Opening Up Space: A Lovely Technofeminist Opportunity

Brigid McNally

Perhaps I should have planned what I wanted to embody in this picture and then taken it as opposed to the other way around, but I guess this picture does embody my positionality to a fair extent. For one, I am sitting in my home in Chicago with my dog, which is very on-brand for me. I am also smiling at my dog, which I like to think represents how I try to approach everything with a positive outlook and actively try to keep negativity out of my life. The stickers on my computer give a tiny glimpse into who I am: my sorority, my school, things I like. You can also see from the picture that I am a white, upper middle-class female, which puts me in a position of privilege that I have to acknowledge. I think I am pretty good at checking myself and my privilege, and I try to remain socially and politically aware and correct at all times. This is super important in something like our anthology, as my whole person and positionality can influence the way I recover our text; being aware of this can help me see the way I interact with the text and how my positionality may shape my argument and analysis. I like to use my privilege for good, to help other people, and that is kind of what we are doing here- using our privilege to recover the voices of these women who did not have the same privilege. I'm excited for this anthology to make me even more aware of myself and how I can use my privilege for the benefit of others.

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