Opening Up Space: A Lovely Technofeminist Opportunity

McKenzie Mann-Wood

In this picture, I sit at my desk. I normally don't do my work here, since it's the only space in my apartment without WiFi coverage! I always feel really awkward in photos, which is why I felt the need to control the narrative of this image so strongly. I had to bring in some humor! I hold a book upside down, there's stickies on my laptop that read "V important notes!" and "idk a due date probably!" I have an open Word document that reads "I'm SmArt," which is a helpful reminder as I work on a project that feels out of my depth. Also in the image are pieces that remind me of home: a Wyoming coffee mug, pictures of my best friend and my family, and a watercolor painting of a bison. One of the tattoos that make up my sleeve on my left arm pokes out on my thumb; a vine that wraps around my finger. These are all things that I bring into this project. I'm a funny she/they lesbian from a small conservative state. I'm a transplant from Wyoming to California for college, navigating the shift between cultures. I'm also a student during COVID-19, trying my hardest to stay positive even when I can't have a private workspace for online classes. Working on this anthology and researching feminist recovery has largely influenced my life. I'm understanding new perspectives, learning new things, and uncovering new aspects of my own identity. I think that's a major part of this open-access anthology: fluidity and learning new stuff!

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