Opening Up Space: A Lovely Technofeminist Opportunity

Samantha Rusnak

This quarter has been one of the most challenging for me in many ways. With the heavy state of COVID, quarantine and the election, it has been taxing both on my mental and physical health as I am sure that many people can relate. For this picture, I wanted to be comfortable and highlight the amazing woman that my group has been anthologizing. I wanted to include my large, fluffy jacket, which I spend most of my time so it feels very appropriate to include in my picture. As well, I wanted to include a picture of Phillis Wheatley as she has been my focus for a large chunk of the quarter and I have really enjoyed getting to learn more about her, her experiences, intersectional identities and the strong woman that she is. I wanted to include this specific picture of Phillis because I think it really represents us a community trying to make a connection not only with our anthologies and the women we are uplifting, but also our classmates and teachers through the lens of the computer screen. After reflecting on Fancher's piece, I think it is more important than ever to emphasize the digital connection we have created and the limits and positives that it creates in our anthology and class as a whole. 

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