Opening Up Space: A Lovely Technofeminist Opportunity

Sperry McQuaid

Here I am with a double thumbs up. My perspective is mostly of the IPad I am working on and not much of my surroundings because I feel like this is my reality right now- one in which I am behind a screen. I think this is something that is a sign that I am lucky to have an opportunity to get an education and have a tool that helps me do it. However, this also reminds me of the distance between me and my classmates/professors and lack of in-person learning. 

In this picture, I’m sitting with my legs crossed in a comfy chair. I think this reflects that I am comfortable in my space which I think impacts my work with designing my anthology. I am comfortable and relaxed in the moment, which can impact my anthology by giving me space to create but also the presence of comfort could also perhaps make me not motivated to continue to grow. I also am smiling big in this photo with a double thumbs up. This is obviously posed, but it represents that sometimes in my work, from behind a computer screen my peers and professors may think I totally know what is going on in a class/ in this anthology, when in reality there are many times when I am lost. I think this is similar to my learning of anthologies and feminist recovery. Sometimes, I am comfortable, believing I understand what our class is trying to grasp. Other times, it may seem like I am comfortable/ understanding what we are looking for, when in reality I am challenged.

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