Opening Up Space: A Lovely Technofeminist Opportunity

Chloe Wilson

I like to do my work at my desk because I feel more productive this way and I try not to leave my desk area until I have completed everything that I want to get done. However, I am also someone who gets easily distracted and while I like to keep my work space organized, there are still a lot of things in front of me that distract me. In this photo, I am working with both my computer and I have my notebook in front of me. I have always been the kind of person who likes to take notes and write things down and make it all organized and visually appealing. I think with COVID, my system has changed a little and I found that in some cases, online notes and typing has saved me a lot of time because it is easier. I find that the majority of my day is spent in this room in this chair staring at my screen trying to get assignments done and attending zoom. 

I think of this class and working on our anthology project as trying something new for me. I feel that I have stepped out of my comfort zone but I am figuring things out as they go and just doing the best I can to adjust while still doing my best. Much like my mentality for this project and class, my embodiment and working and figuring out which learning styles are best for me right now with virtual learning is a day by day process that I am figuring out as I go. I think I feel that I am somewhat getting the hang of both! 

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