Hidden Histories: Discovering Los Angeles' LGBTQ+ Collections

Asian & AAPI LGBTQ+ people

Asian LGBTQ+ people

LGBTQ+ people of Asian heritage or descent, living in Asia or part of the Asian diaspora. 

Asian American LGBTQ+ people

LGBTQ+ people of Asian heritage or descent born in the United States or born in Asian countries who live in or have a strong connection to the United States.

Pacific Islander LGBTQ+ people

LGBTQ+ people of Pacific Islander heritage or descent, living in the Pacific Islands or part of the Pacific diaspora. 

Pacific Islander American LGBTQ+ people

LGBTQ+ people who identify as both Pacific Islanders (or of Pacific Islander ancestry) and American.

These definitions are from Homosaurus v3. For more information about the indexing terms "Asian LGBTQ+ people," "Asian American LGBTQ+ people," or "Pacific Islander American LGBTQ+ people," click on the hyperlinked terms. Please note that Homosaurus does not have an entry for "Pacific Islander LGBTQ+ people."

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