Mark Twain in German-Language Newspapers and Periodicals

Mark Twain's Writing and Speeches in German-Language Newspapers (Catalog)

The German-language newspaper articles that are collected in the main catalog feature references to and discussions and translations of a variety of Mark Twain's texts and speeches. The table below collects all these referenced titles.

- The title section contains links to separate pages with more information on individual works by Mark Twain. When a specific work does not have an established title (mostly in the case of letters and speeches), a short description is given instead.
- The abbreviations correspond to the main catalog's "reference" section and serve as unique identifiers for each of Mark Twains texts and speeches. Abbreviations for letters always start with L: and those for speeches always with S:.
- Entries are sorted alphabetically according to the abbreviation column and additionally according to the categories: longer written texts, letters, speeches.
- Entries with a darker color background are texts or speeches for which full or partial German translations can be found in the newspaper material collected in the main catalog.
- The search bar searches both the abbreviation and title columns at the same time. Typing a single asterisk (*) retrieves all entries to texts and speeches for which full or partial German translations can be found in the newspaper material collected in the main catalog.

AAC“At the Appetite Cure”1W*
ACThe American Claimant1W 
AMTThe Autobiography of Mark Twain1W 
ASAh Sin (play)1W 
ATS“A True Story”1W*
BAMark Twain's Burlesque Autobiography1W 
CC“Concerning Chambermaids”1W*
CHA“Chapters from My Autobiography” (in the North American Review)1W*
CM“Answer to an Inquiry from the Coming Man” (in The Galaxy)1W 
CSChristian Science1W 
CT“The Californian's Tale”1W*
CTJ“Concerning the Jews”1W*
CYA Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court1W 
DBDSThe Double-Barrelled Detective Story1W 
DGF“A Defense of General Funston”1W 
DPC“Diplomatic Pay and Clothes”1W*
EAP“How I Edited an Agricultural Paper”1W 
EDEve's Diary1W 
EMGB“Edward Mills and George Benton”1W*
EMR“The Esquimau Maiden's Romance”1W*
EWI“An Encounter with an Interviewer”1W 
FEFollowing the Equator1W*
FL“My First Lie, and How I Got Out of It”1W*
GBC“The Facts Concerning the Case of the Great Beef Contract”1W*
GC“The German Chicago”1W*
HCC“How to Cure a Cold” / “Curing a Cold”1W 
HFAdventures of Huckleberry Finn1W 
HWBF“Rev. Henry Ward Beecher's Farm”1W*
IAThe Innocents Abroad1W 
JAPersonal Recollections of Joan of Arc1W 
JFjumping frog story1W 
JT“Journalism in Tennessee”1W 
KLSKing Leopold's Soliloquy1W 
LMLife on the Mississippi1W*
MCH“The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg”1W 
MCW2“Mrs. McWilliams and the Lightning”1W*
MF“Making a Fortune”1W*
MPBN“The £1,000,000 Bank-Note”1W*
NNB“Notice to the Next Burglars”1W 
PBP“Punch, Brothers, Punch” / “A Literary Nightmare”1W 
PPThe Prince and the Pauper1W 
PSD“To the Person Sitting in Darkness”1W 
PWThe Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson1W 
RG“Running for Governor”1W*
RIRoughing It1W 
SCL“Switzerland, the Cradle of Liberty” (in the North American Review)1W*
SKSketches, New and Old1W 
STC“A Salutation-Speech from the Nineteenth Century to the Twentieth”1W*
SVL“Science vs. Luck”1W*
TAA Tramp Abroad1W*
TAL“The Awful German Language” (Appendix D to A Tramp Abroad)1W*
TCT“The Canvasser's Tale”1W*
TLT“Two Little Tales”1W*
TSThe Adventures of Tom Sawyer1W 
WIMWhat is Man?1W 
L:CHrequesting a hymn book (letter to Andrew Carnegie)2L 
L:Gon Gutenberg (letter to Adolf Goerz)2L*
L:NCon the future national capital (letter to the New York Sun)2L 
L:Pon receiving a pension (letter to John C. Black)2L*
L:PSon the postal service (letter to the New York Evening Post)2L*
L:RCletter to Ruth Cleveland2L 
L:SIon the sandwich islands (letter to the New York Tribune)2L*
L:Tletter to the Secretary of the Treasury2L*
L:WFletter to President Francis of the St. Louis World Fair2L 
S:B“The Babies” (13 Nov. 1879)3S*
S:CSon the civil services / supporting Rutherford B. Hayes (30 Sept. 1876)3S*
S:CThonoring Charlemagne Tower (28 Feb. 1899)3S 
S:EHspeech at Englisches Haus, Berlin (26 Nov. 1891)3S 
S:GGon General Grant's grammar (27 April 1887)3S*
S:GH“Introducing General Hawley” (16 Oct. 1879)3S*
S:GLspeech at YMCH hall, Berlin (13 Jan. 1892)3S 
S:GORmaterial from “His Grandfather's Old Ram” (multiple occasions)3S 
S:NGW“A New German Word” (10 March 1899)3S 
S:PCannouncing presidential candidacy (2 May 1900)3S*
S:RImaterial from Roughing It (multiple occasions)3S 
S:SDS“Die Schrecken der Deutschen Sprache” (31 Oct. 1897)3S 
S:SCSavage Club Supper Speech (15 Nov. 1895)3S*
S:TIon behalf of Tuskegee Institute, New York City (22 Jan. 1906)3S 
S:W“Woman – God Bless Her” (22 Dec. 1882)3S*