Mark Twain in German-Language Newspapers and Periodicals

Mark Twain in German-Language Newspapers and Periodicals

There are different ways to explore the materials provided on this page and depending on which area of focus or interest appears relevant to the individual user some may be more helpful or engaging than others. Some suggestions on where to start can be found below.

It is recommended to start by reading the introductory remarks on the project to get basic information on its aims and scope. This sections also offers some introductory information on the importance of journalism on Mark Twain's life and works, as well as information about German-language journalism in the US and German translations of Mark Twain's writing.  

  • Overview of all German-language newspaper articles that were found in the relevant online repositories (search ranging from 1871 - 1910)
  • Searchable and sortable list view (find items by date, title, newspaper, location, etc.)
  • Links to individual pages with German transcripts, English translations, and contextual information on articles

  • Overview of all of Mark Twain's works (published writing, letters, speeches) that are referenced in the collected newspaper articles
  • Searchable list view with titles and corresponding abbreviations (as used in the main catalog's "reference" section)
  • Links to individual pages with contextual information and an overview of all relevant newspaper articles for each item

To approach the material on this site from a more context-oriented perspective the following pages might be helpful. Each overview page links to individual pages with contextual information on specific people, places, and events that are referenced in one or more of the collected articles. All relevant articles can be easily accessed via these "reference pages".