Mark Twain in German-Language Newspapers and Periodicals

Writing | Switzerland, The Cradle of Liberty

A series of six letters Mark Twain wrote for American newspapers (Paine II, 923) and which appeared as "Switzerland, The Cradle of Liberty" in the 1917 collection What Is Man? And Other Sketches. The article was published under different titles in several American newspapers, including The Pittsburg Dispatch which claimed that it was "Written for the Dispatch" (Mark Twain, "Clock of the Ages," 6 March 1892, 11). On the same date, The Omaha Daily Bee printed the text as "The Cradle of Liberty. By Mark Twain" (10). A digital version of the  typescript of the text with additional pencil sketches, holograph inscriptions, and explanations is available at the Digital Collections of the New York Public Library. Barbara Schmidt's Twainquotes has a transcript of the article as it appeared in the Chicago Daily Tribune, also on March 6, 1892.

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