Italian Migrations - HONOR313_FA18


Our first encounter at Rovino was less than successful. We had contacted the restaurant previously but had yet to receive a response. Nevertheless, we decided to stop by anyways and see if anyone was available to interview since we were in the area. The host informed us that unfortunately the lady we wanted to meet with had left not too long before we got there and gave us her phone number to try contacting her again. A few days later, we received an email from Antonia, one of the owners of the restaurant, wanting to set up an interview time. Malia had work during the times that Antonia was available so Sierra set out on a solo mission. Antonia's story differed quite a bit from all of the other immigrants we encountered during our time in Little Italy, yet every detail she shared lined up perfectly with what we learned about in class. Stay tuned to find out more about Antonia's unique story!

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