Introduction to Digital Humanities


Annotation #7

Keeping these ideas about space as "dynamic, relational, and agentive" in mind, read and collaboratively annotate: 

1. Engel, Maureen. “Deep Mapping: Space, Place, and Narrative as Urban Interface.” In The Routledge Companion to Media Studies and Digital Humanities, edited by Jentry Sayers. New York: Routledge, 2018.  Hypothesis link.

2. ORBIS: The Stanford Geospatial Network Model of the Roman World. Hypothesis link.

3. Torn Apart/ Separados. Hypothesis link.

Assignment #7

Use Scalar to create an interactive map with 6 entries on a topic of your choosing.  To make a map, you first have to create a page for each entry in our Scalar workbook. Each of these pages must contain a title, a description, a key image or media url, and metadata that specifies the location (either dcterms: spatial or dcterms: coverage). After you have created a page for each of your entries, you can then "gather" them via the Scalar Map Widget  (directions here) or the Scalar Google Map Layout (directions here) on your "Assignment #7" page.  Be sure to follow the instructions on the "Assignment" page of our workbook to make sure that this assignment shows up in the contents of your personal page and the "Assignment #7" page. 


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