Housing Inequality in America



Every American tends to see housing as an intrinsically valuable amenity. A quality and affordable home is a necessity for every human. Several studies have shown that housing is one of the key issues in the United States. There are several factors that constitute housing inequality. This includes housing shortages, discrimination, zoning, redlining, and exorbitant housing prices. Several studies have also  shown that housing problems usually have health and psychological implications on people and may hinder their American dream. Also, many scholars have investigated the several ways that housing inequality affects different people in the United States. This book is a compilation of research studies and reports on the broad range of housing issues facing the larger population in the United States. The book aims to provide evidence and contribute to the existing literature on housing inequality in the United States. The book contains twelve chapters of intersecting themes on housing inequality in the United States. 

The chapters in this book are a selection of works that focus on housing inequality. It is not surprising that many of the writers focused their attention on race, economic and social elements as the factors contributing to housing inequality. The fusion of methodologies, perspectives and approaches in this book are valuable to the comprehension of the problems related to housing. All the chapters in the  book researched  within the United States.

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