Historic Central Avenue Los Angeles

Maps of Historic Sites and Changing Places

Maps of Historic Sites and Changing Places, along and around Central Avenue, By Category. Zoom in to see more detail.  Click on Icons to open photos and more information.  Data in Interactive Maps from 1940 Central Avenue Business Directory and the National Register of Historic Places list of significant African American properties.  See also Thematic Maps.


Contents of this path:

  1. Arts and Entertainment Historical Sites, circa 1940, Eastside
  2. Barber Shops and Beauty Salons
  3. Businesses by Type, 1940.
  4. Churches
  5. Educational Institutions
  6. Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate
  7. Historic Homes, Lodging & other Sites
  8. Medical Professionals and Facilities
  9. Non-Profit and Public Service (Including Fire Department)
  10. Print Media and Broadcasting
  11. Thematic Maps of Race-Ethnic Geo-Historical Change