Historic Central Avenue Los Angeles

Archives with Historical Materials Relating to Central Avenue, Los Angeles

Many archival institutions hold historical materials and make them available to the public.  The public is encouraged to visit the web pages of these important archives, embedded in the pages below.  Search and explore their holdings, and contact these organizations per your interests. 

Of particular interest is LA As Subject,  a consortium of over 300 institutions and individuals who hold historic archival materials pertaining to the history of Los Angeles. Many of these archives hold valuable archival materials that document the history of Central Ave.  Featured image: Portrait of Avery Clayton in the Mayme A. Clayton Archives, Adams Blvd, by Phil Ethington (2005).

(please send suggestions for institutions to include, to Prof Phil Ethington, USC, philipje@usc.edu)

Contents of this path:

  1. California African American Museum (CAAM)
  2. LA As Subject
  3. Los Angeles Public Library
  4. Mayme A. Clayton Library and Museum
  5. University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Library Digital Collections
  6. University of Southern California, Special Collections
  7. Watts Labor Community Action Committee (WLCAC), Cultural Programming
  8. Paul Revere Williams Project

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