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Transcript "Agincourt Carol, 'Deo Gracias Anglia'"

Deo Gracias, Anglia
Redde pro victoria

Deo Gracias, Anglia
Redde pro victoria

Our king went forth to Normandy
With grace and right of chivalry
Their God for him wrought marvelously
Wherefore England may call and cry,
‘Deo Gracias!’

Deo gracias Anglia
Redde pro victoria

He set a siege forsooth to say
To Harflu torn with royal aray
That town he won and made a fray
That France shall rue till domesday
‘Deo gracias”

Deo Gracias Anglia
Redde pro victoria


Deo Gracias Anglia
Redde pro victoria

Then went forth that King comely
In Agincourt felt he fought manly;
Through grace of God most mighty
He had both the field and the victory;
‘Deo gracias’


Deo gracias Anglia
Redde pro victoria

There dukes and earls, lord and baron
Were slain and taken and that well soon,
And some were laid into London
With joy and bliss and great renown;
‘Deo gracias’

Deo gracias Anglia
Redde pro victoria
Deo gracias Anglia
Redde pro victoria

Now gracious God, He saw our King,
His people all his well willing;
Gave him praise and good ending,
That we with merth more softly sing;
‘Deo gracias’

Deo gracias Anglia
Redde pro victoria