Scalar 2 User's Guide

Visualization Widgets

Advanced Topics
Visualization widgets visually represent the contents and connections across an entire book in one of several interactive formats.

To add a Visualization widget, click on either the linked or inline widget button in the WYSIWYG editor and then choose “Visualization” from the widget options. Next, use the Visualization Options to determine the content, connections and format for the visualization. In the first dropdown menu, select the type of content to be displayed: “All pages,” “All paths,” “All tags,” “All annotations,” “All media,” “All comments,” and “This page.” In the second menu, select the types of relationships to display: “All relationship,” “Parent and Children,” and “No relationships.” Together, your selections in the first two dropdown menus will determine what’s displayed in the visualization. For instance, choosing “All tags” in the first dropdown menu and “No relationships” in the second will display all the tags in your Scalar book but will not display connections to the items they tag. Choosing “All tags” in the first dropdown menu and “Parent and children” in the second will display all tags as well as the items they tag while choosing “All tags” in the first dropdown menu and “All relationships” in the second will display all tags in your Scalar book as well as all relationships those tags may have (i.e. the visualization will not just show the items they tag but will also show if they are on paths or if they annotate media). In the third menu, select the format for the visualization: grid, tree, radial, and force-directed.

Finally, select your formatting options for the widget. If you’d like to include descriptive or explanatory text below the widget, choose “Custom text” under “Caption” and enter it there.

This page has paths:

  1. Working with Widgets Erik Loyer
  2. Visualizations Erik Loyer