Adding Related Content to Media
For any Scalar media item, you can add related media items and pages which will be shown in the media player interface. This can be useful if you want to present a given item in multiple file formats, camera angles, mediums, or in any other type of relation you like. Related items will appear in the X tab.
To link your related content to a media item, you will need to add one or more dcterms:relation
metadata properties to the media in Scalar. To do this, navigate to the media item in your project and click the Edit (pencil) button in the toolbar. Click the Metadata tab, and then click “Add additional metadata”. Select the Dublin Core field set, and then check the box for “relation”. This will add a slot for the new metadata.
Enter the URL “slug” for the related content into the field. This can be found by navigating to the related content (you may want to do this in a separate tab, or in advance) and clicking the Edit (pencil) button, clicking the Properties tab, and then copying the contents of the Scalar URL text field.
You can continue to add related items in this fashion. When you’re finished, click “Save and view” to return to the media item. Now, your related content should appear in the Related tab under the media, each with its title (which will be linked to the media) and description (if available).