Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Movement: A Policy Option

A Policy Option for Response

              While the BIFM has been listed as a terrorist organization, it is important that the truth is far more complex than that. Despite the BIFM's designation as a terrorist organization, the group has not limited themselves to the use of terrorist tactics. The group has become a hybrid mix between terrorist organization and an insurgency. The blending of these two strategies allow for the group to carry out terror attacks to petrify Filipino society as well as insurgent military actions to actively combat the Filipino military. While the idea of this blend seems rather frightening, it is by no means the first time that the USG has dealt with such an organization. Organizations such as the Taliban have used similar tactics as the BIFM, such as the weapons used or the targets that are chosen. In dealing with the BIFM the USG should treat any response as a COIN operation. It goes without saying that as the BIFM is located within the Philippines the US does not have the freedom that was allowed when countering the Taliban in Afghanistan. What the USG is able to do is to advise the Filipino government on COIN strategies. The Filipino government could also be advised to strengthen ties with the more cooperative MILF. By exacerbating the animosities between MILF and BIFM, the Filipino government could entice the two factions to fight against one another rather than military forces. As MILF is an insurgent group with a complex understanding of the southern provinces, they would be much better equip to deal with the threat that BIFM poses. This option entirely relies upon the Filipino governments ability to respect the autonomy of the proposed Bangsamoro area, and on MILf to respect their agreements to remain non-hostile.

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