Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Movement: A Policy Option

Origins and Communications

             The BIFM as an independent organization is a relatively new phenomenon. Prior to 2008, the BIFM was merely a detatchment of the better known Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF). MILF had existed in opposition to the Filipino government since 1978, with hopes of creating an independent country for Muslim Filipinos in the Mindanao region. In 2008, Ameril Umbra Kato split dissatisfied forces away from MILF command due to disagreements with the MILF leadership regarding peace agreements. Though Kato was acting idependently of MILF in 2008, it was not until 2011 that MILF recognized the split between BIFM and their own organization. Since the split of the two groups, MILF has agreed to cease their actions against the Filipino government in exchange for autonomy. BIFM however, has continued their attacks against the government, and has also on several occasions fought against members of MILF.

Since the formation of BIFM they have been known by two different names. These are:Unlike many currently operating terrorist organizations, BIFM has a relatively small internet presence. Whereas MILF has maintained accounts on Twitter and other social media outlets, the BIFM only had two websites that were used to update their followers of current events that were happening within their area of operation. The website however, were taken down within the last few months. The websites were minimally designed yet did provide some insight into the mentality of the organization. However, as the website of BIFM was relatively difficult to locate, there is little possibility that the websites purpose was wide scale promotion to those who have not heard of BIFM. The information which was located on their website was often military updates so that those who already are interested or supportive of the group can know what was taking place. The only easily found communications from the organization are located on Youtube. On Youtube there are several interviews with BIFM leadership, as well as a few promotional videos to highlight BIFM's strength.

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