Entanglements: an exploration of the digital literary work FISHNETSTOCKINGS

The Music

FISHETSTOCKINGS has a sound track that shapes its acts in dramatic ways.  Part of the music was composed specifically for the piece, and part was used with permission by by Six Degrees Recordings, then run by Dun Suskis. Each song complements and complicates the various acts, accentuating the themes and dramatic arc.

You can hear these songs by tabbing through the annotations of the video. 

Act I: "Innocence and Curiosity" by JJ Sivak. 

Act II: “Bad Bargains / Good Exchanges”, original electronic track by Tobin Dack

Act III: “Bad Bargains / Good Exchanges”, original electronic track by Tobin Dack.

When the pieced opened at the Electronic Literature Organization conference in Bergen, DJ Simon Opitz created a live sound track to set interactors dancing. 

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