California State University Japanese American Digitization Project: An Exhibit

A Defense of Character

Japanese American US military service during WWII, 1945

Two articles on Japanese Americans serving in US military during WWII. "Ex-Jap soldier justifies his U.S. citizenship" and "No Japs wanted." The first article describes a Canadian American refusing to swear an oath of allegiance in  a ceremony beside a Japanese American US Army soldier Terry T. Doi. The Judge, none-the-less continues by stating, "And it is my opinion, and that of all others who have worked with Terry, that any doubts which ever have been cast upon his loyalty to the United States are not only unfounded, but insulting." Second, an editorial article about racism towards the Japanese American community among civilians throughout the west coast through organizations such as the "Japanese Exclusion League". The editorial article highlights merits, loyalty, and bravery of the decorated Japanese American 100th Infantry Battalion arguing that "Nisei fighting men belong. Not all civilians do."

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