Old Main
1 2016-04-07T08:33:33-07:00 Allison Cassell c346394afefd27a674eabdf697b6b22e55da1b73 9189 2 Picture File: P449 plain 2016-04-24T10:34:59-07:00 Allison Cassell c346394afefd27a674eabdf697b6b22e55da1b73This page is referenced by:
Physics Past
Department Description:
The object of the department of physics is to acquaint the student with physical phenomena and natural laws as a part of a liberal arts education and as an aid in other fields of science; to develop in him clear thinking and logical reasoning; and to prepare students for graduate and professional study. (Quoted from the 1938 Concordia College course catalog)
Department Head:
T.C. Wollan was a professor at Concordia from at least 1911. He had his Bachelor of Science degree.
No other faculty were specified to teach physics. However, Martha Brennun was a teacher of mathematics which was closely tied to physics.
Majors and Minors Offered:
A general physics degree was offered. Majors required 18 units in one department and minors required 12 units of junior and senior work.Sampling of Courses Taught:
- Elementary Physics
- Electricity and Magnetism
- General Physics
- Mechanics
Classes were most likely held in Main Building, which is now known as Old Main.
Prerequisites for a number of the upper level physics courses such as Electricity and Magnetism were mathematics courses.
Fun Fact: -
Women's Studies Past
Department Description:
Women's studies is an interdisciplinary minor which places the lives and experiences of women at the center of inquiry by analyzing the roles and perspectives of women as well as their contributions to the scholarly, artistic, political, social and religious worlds. Courses offered by many different departments draw on recent theories and research that offer critiques of current disciplinary claims and provide opportunities to observe the extent to which knowledge is a human construct that is shaped by the persons who create it. The women's studies program is dedicated to building a more complex and inclusive portrait of humanity by using gender as a legitimate category of analysis, along with other differences, such as race, ethnicity and class.
(Taken from 1993 Concordia College Course Catalog)Department Head:
Patricia A. Halvorson and Alfhild Ingberg were the co-chairs of this department. Both of them earned their Ph.D.
Other Faculty:- Shawn Carruth
- Polly A. Fassinger
- Linda L. Johnson
- Susan A. Johnson
- Joy K. Lintelman
- Mary K. Rice
Majors or Minors Offered:
- A minor is offered in this department.
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- Women's health issues
- Women's history in cross-cultural perspective
Building: Old Main
Mathematics Past
Department Description:The object of the courses in Mathematics is to contribute to the general education of the student, to train him to think logically and accurately, to enable him to satisfy requirements for certain professional studies, and to give him a foundation for advanced work in mathematics and the sciences. (Department description from the 1938 Concordia course catalog)
Department Head:
Eveline Anderson who obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree. (Pictured in the group photo on the 1911 page)Majors, Minors and Courses of Study offered:
Mathematics was the only Major offered.Sampling of Courses taught:
- Algebra
- III Geometry
- IV Higher Algebra
- V Solid Geometry
Classes were held in the Main building at this point in time.
Eveline Anderson taught all classes in 1911
Fun Fact(s):
Communication Studies & Theatre Art Past
Department Description:
In every field of human activity speech is the chief medium of communication. Whether we sell goods, or services, or ideas we must rely largely upon the spoken word. The effective use, therefore, of oral language will be an element of strength and influence in every line of work. It is the aim of the speech department to help the average student increase his effectiveness in this field. (Taken from the 1945-1946 Concordia College Course Catalog)
Department Head:
Dr. Waldemar E. Lillo first organized the Speech Department in 1945, branching off of the classes from the English Department. He had his Ph.D.Other Faculty:
- Norma Gilbert assisted with the Speech courses starting in 1945.
Courses of Study Offered:
- Speech was offered as a Major or Minor
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- Introduction to Public Speaking
- Argumentation and Debate
- Public Speaking for Public Service
- Intercollegiate Debate
- Radio Speech
Classes were held in the Main Building, which is now known as Old Main.
What is now known as the Communication Studies & Theatre Art Department first started as the Speech Department in 1945.
Fun Fact: -
Spanish Past
Department Description:
"The work offered in German, French, and Spanish aims to develop a reading knowledge of these languages, to afford the student ability to pursue graduate and research work, to prepare him for high school teaching positions , and by means of survey courses, to introduce the student to fields of culture, thought, and ideals of peoples into whose manners of living and thinking he could otherwise not penetrate." (Department description from the 1941 Concordia College Course Catalog)
Department Head:
G. L. Schoberg who achieved a Bachelor of Arts degree.There were no other faculty specified to teach Spanish.
Majors and Minors offered:
- Only a Minor was offered in Spanish, until 1963 when a major was offered.
Sampling of Courses taught:
- Elementary Spanish
- Intermediate Course In Spanish
- Teachers course in Modern Language
Courses were taught in the Main building, which is now known as Old Main.
Fun Facts:- G. L. Schoberg taught all classes.
English Past
Department Description:
The aim of this department is to introduce students to major movements and figures in English literary history, with emphasis on the cultural values of the treasures of English literature, and to lay a foundation for a growing proficiency in the use of English (Quoted from the 1938 Concordia College course catalog)
Department Head:
Reverend T.A. Mason (pictured in the image on the 1911 page) was tasked with teaching all literature courses and all English courses at the college level. He had a Bachelors of Arts degree.Other faculty:
- Bertina Thompson, who had an unspecified Bachelor's degree, had the title Perceptress. She was tasked with teaching courses related to speaking and elocution.
Courses of Study Offered:
- English
- English (Academy)
- English (College)
- English Literature
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- English Composition
- Shakespeare
- Argumentation
- Public Address
- General Survey of English Literature
Classes were most likely held in Main Building, which is now known as Old Main.
1911 was the first year that English as a college curriculum was offered at Concordia College. Before this, English as an Academy curriculum was offered.
Fun Fact: -
Sociology & Social Work Present (2015-2016)
Department Description:
The sociology program provides learning experiences that prepare students to: understand the basic assumptions, guiding questions, concepts, theories and methods of sociology; apply the sociological imagination to questions about society and one's self; and grasp the complexity and diversity found in human societies
Social Work
Social work education at Concordia College is framed by Concordia's mission statement: "The purpose of Concordia College is to influence the affairs of the world by sending into society thoughtful and informed men and women dedicated to the Christian life." The courses contribute to students' liberal arts education through development of increased awareness of self, others, and social systems, enabling informed participation for leadership in community service and organizations. This is reflected in the social work program's mission statement: "To promote human and community well-being by confronting disadvantage through a framework of scientific inquiry and human rights, favoring undervalued persons and providing conditions of hope, leading to individual and social change."
Department Head:
- Dr. Matthew Lindholm is current the head of the Sociology department. Dr. Lindholm has earned his Bachelor of Art, Master of Divinity, and his Ph.D.
Social Work
- Dr. Kristi Loberg is current head of the Social Work department. She has earned her Bachelor of Arts, Master of Science, and her Ph.D.
Other Faculty
- Mallary Allen
- Nicholas R. Elling
Social Work
- Laurie K. Dahley
Majors or Minors Offered:
- Both a major and minor are offered in sociology.
- In social work a major is offered.
Sampling of Courses Offered:
- Cultural Anthopology
- Gender Self and Society
- Aging in Society
Social Work:
- Introduction to Social Work and Social welfare
- Human Behavior and Social Environment
- Church Social Work and Social Ministry
Building: Old Main
Norwegian and Scandinavian Studies Present (2015-2016)
Department Head:
The mission of the Norwegian and Scandinavian Studies Program is to provide a firm foundation of Norwegian language and culture and to acquaint students with the Nordic region. Students develop an understanding of how Nordic countries make a difference in the political, economic, environmental and cultural arenas in the world.
Department Head:
Milda Halvorson currently heads the Norwegian and Scandinavian Studies Department. She has a Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts, and a Ph.D.
Other Faculty:
- George Connell
- Joy Lintelman
- Heidi Goldberg
Majors and Minors Offered:
- Major in Scandinavian Studies
- Minor in Scandinavian Studies
- Minor in Norwegian
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- NORW 111 Beginning Norwegian
- NORW 211 Intermediate Norwegian
- SCAN 215 Scandinavian Fiction and Art
- SCAN 271 Scandinavian Mythology and the Viking Age
- SCAN 338 Kierkegaard: Philosophy, Literature and Film
Classes are currently held in Old Main and Bishop Whipple.
The Norwegian and Scandinavian Studies department offered many study abroad options including semesters at Hedmark University College, Norway, and Telemark University College, Norway, among other options.
Fun Fact: -
Political Science Present (2015-2016)
Department Description:
The study of political science at Concordia College offers a solid theoretical foundation complemented by strong vocational preparation. Political science majors learn not only the concepts, theories and methods associated with their discipline, but also gain the cognitive and presentational skills required of the constraints placed upon political activity by our constitutional system, the development and maturation of political institutions, recent trends in political behavior, and the overall representative nature of our system of government. (Department description from the 2015-2016 Concordia course catalog)
Department Head:
Michael G. Bath who earned his Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts and Ph.D degree.Other Faculty
- Rebecca R. Moore
- Kenneth W. Foster
- Leila Zakhirova
Majors and Minors Offered:
- Major in Political Science
- Major in Social Studies
- Minor in Political Science
Sampling of courses Taught:
- International Politics
- Global Politics Islam
- Chinese Politics
Classes are held in Old Main
Sociology & Social Work Past
Department Description:
The basic objectives of this department are as follows: to develop Christian parish workers, to provide a training course for students interested in social work, to meet the requirements of students interested in graduate work in sociology, to offer the average student the basic courses required for an adequate background in the social studies.
(Taken from 1945 Concordia College Course Catalog)Department Head:
- Dr. Waldemar Lillo was the head of the Sociology and Social Work department. He had earned his Ph.D.
Other Faculty:- There was no other faculty in this department.
Majors or Minors Offered:
- Both a major and a minor was offered through this department.
Sampling of Courses Offered:
- Problems of Sociology
- Criminology and Juvenile Delinquency
- Parish Education
Classes were held in the Main Building, which is known as Old Main.
Norwegian and Scandinavian Studies Past
Department Description:
The Norse department offers courses with the following objectives: (1) ability to speak and to read the Norse language; (2) understanding of the relationship of the Norse language to the Anglo-Saxon elements of English; (3) appreciation of the religions and social ideals of the Norse people and an insight into the religious and cultural currents that have served as factors in shaping those ideals, with special emphasis upon love of home, church, school, and democracy; (4) development of spiritual life and character of the individual student through the presentation of the Christian life-view and ideal reflected in the material used in the courses of study. (Quoted from the 1938 Concordia College course catalog)
Department Head:
Ole Tonning (who is pictured in the image on the 1911 page) had a Master of Arts and specialized in teaching Norwegian to students who attended the college.No other faculty were specified to teach the courses in the Norwegian department.
Courses of Study Offered:
There were no majors or minors specified, however, there was a general Norwegian course of study offered to students.Sampling of Courses taught:
- Reading, Grammar and Composition Work
- History of Norwegian Literature
- Eikeland's Grammar
- Pro Seminar in Bjornson
Classes were most likely held in Main Building, which is now known as Old Main.
Norwegian classes were held as early as the founding of the school in 1891. Norwegian was taught in much the same manner as English was. Students were expected to be able to read and write correctly in Norwegian.
Fun Facts: -
Political Science Past
Department Description:
A study of American Government, national, state and local. A comparison with the governments of leading states of Europe. Given annually. Second semester, three hours per week. (Department description from the 1951 Concordia College course catalog)
Department Head:
Harding C. Noblitt, earned his Bachelor of Arts and Master or Arts degree.Majors and Minors Offered:
- Only a Major was offered in Political Science
Sampling of courses Taught:
- American Government
- Comparative Government
- History of Political Philosophy
Classes were most likely held in the Main building, or Science Hall.
Fun Facts:
- Classes first appeared in 1925
- Was paired with Sociology in 1928 followed by history in 1934
History Present (2015-2016)
Department Description:
A Concordia College history major opens doors to a variety of career paths, from education and journalism to business, library science, law, and nonprofit work. In addition to majors and minors in history, the history department offers a number of courses that meet the Liberal Arts Core requirements. In true liberal arts spirit, the department also collaborates with several other programs, offering courses that fulfill requirements for a variety of majors and/or minors in other departments.
Department Head:
Joy Lintelman currently heads the History department. She has a Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts and a Ph.D.
Other Faculty:
- W. Vincent Arnold
- Richard Chapman
- Hiram Drache (historian-in-residence)
- Gretchen Harvey
- Linda Johnson
- Sonja Wentling
Majors and Minors Offered:
- Major in History
- Minor in History
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- HIST 152 World in Perspective since 1500
- HIST 301 Greece and the Ancient Near East
- HIST 316 U.S. Women's History
- HIST 365 Global Issues
- HIST 373 Arab-Israeli Conflict
Classes are currently held in Old Main and Grose Hall
Fun Fact:
The history department is heavily involved in a number of interdepartmental and interdisciplinary programs such as Heritage and Museum Studies, Social Studies Education and Add-on endorsement in Social Studies for Elementary Education majors. -
Chemistry Past
Department Description:
The work in Chemistry aims to acquaint the student with the nature of matter and its changes; to bring about a student appreciation of scientific knowledge; to give him an understanding of the scientific method by collection and study of facts, formulation of hypotheses, prediction of new data, and testing of facts; to give training in habits of accuracy, neatness, and skills of manipulation; and to foster the general development of the student's spiritual life." (Quoted from 1938 Concordia College course catalog)
Department Head:
A.O. Utne transferred to Concordia College from another institution. He had a Masters of Arts and was the only professor to teach Chemistry for many years. He can be seen in the photograph on the 1911 page.There were no other faculty specified to teach Chemistry
Majors and Minors Offered:
- Only major offered was a general major in Chemistry.
Sampling of Courses taught:
- General Inorganic Chemistry
- Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
- General Organic Chemistry
- Water Analysis
- Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis
Courses were taught in Main Building, which is now known as Old Main.
Glass Blowing was taught as a chemistry class. It was a laboratory course affording the student practice in making and repairing simple glassware.
Fun Fact: -
German Past
Department Description:
The work offered in German and French aims to develop a reading knowledge of these languages, to afford the student the ability to pursue graduate and research work, to prepare him for high school teaching positions, and by means of survey courses, to introduce the student to fields of culture, thought, and ideals of peoples into whose manners of living and thinking he could otherwise not penetrate. (Taken from the 1938 Concordia College Course Catalog)
Department Head:
Ole Tonning (pictured as the 3rd person in the 2nd row) was the first head of the German Department. He received his Master of Arts.Other Faculty:
- None at the time
Courses of Study Offered:
- German was offered as a Major or Minor
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- Vos’s Essentials of German Grammar
- Grammar Reviewed
- Grammar and Compositions
- Works of Goethe
Classes were held in the Main Building, which is now known as Old Main.
History Past
Department Description:
It is the aim of the department to present our social and cultural inheritance from the past, to develop the political evolution of society and show the essential unity and continuity of the history of the race, and in general to build for intelligent, honest, and useful citizenship. (Quoted from the 1938 Concordia College course catalog)
Department Head:
Reverend J.A Aasgaard (pictured in the image on the 1911 page) had a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Bachelor of Divinity degree.No other faculty were specified to teach history courses in 1911.
Course of Study Offered:
A general history course of study was offered. No majors or minors were specified at this point in time.Sampling of Courses Taught:
- Ancient History
- United States History
- English History
- Modern History
Courses were most likely held in Main Building, which is now known as Old Main.
Reverend Aasgaard also taught religion courses alongside the history courses that he already taught.
Fun Fact: -
Art Past
Department Description:
The aim of this department is to offer instruction and guidance; first, to students who desire to give expression to their creative ability in the actual practice of art; second, to students who wish to study art for its cultural value, obtained mainly through the history and appreciation of art; third, to students who wish to seek a means for greater enjoyment of leisure time.
Department Head
Dora A. Berg was tasked with teaching all art courses. Dora earned a Bachelor of Arts degree along with a Master of Arts degree.Other Faculty:
- No other faculty
Majors or Minors Offered:
- A art minor was only available at this time.
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- Creative Design
- History of Art
- Art Appreciation
Classes were most likely held in the Main Building, which is known as Old Main.
Biology Past
Department Description:
The objectives of the department are as follows: (1) to acquaint the student with the common biological factors of his environment for the purpose of increasing his range of interest, and fostering an appreciation of his relation to nature; (2) to require such intensive training in the department as will give the student a reasonable understanding and mastery of the content and technique in this field of knowledge; (3) to offer the student a basic training for those professional and technical studies which may most advantageously be pursued upon a foundation of the department offerings; and (4) to foster the general development of the student’s spiritual life. (*Taken from the 1938 catalog)
Department Head:
- Eveline Anderson (Pictured in the image on the 1911 page) was tasked with teaching most Biology courses. Eveline has a Bachelors of Arts degree.
Other Faculty:
- Ingeborg Gronvold, who had an unspecified degree, also taught in the biology department.
Majors or Minors Offered:
- Biology was offered as a general biology major.
Sampling of Courses Offered:
- Botany
- Physiology and Hygiene
- Zoology
Classes were most likely held in the Main Building, which is known as Old Main.
Business Education Past
Department Description:
To meet the demand for commerce teachers in the high schools, and also to train stenographic and clerical workers for the business world, Concordia College offers courses designed to give the best possible preparation in these fields, Students also have the opportunity of taking background courses in liberal arts, and of gaining the additional advantages which result from college environment.(Department description from the 1955 Concordia course catalog)
Department Head:
Ivan R. Larson who earned his Bachelor of Arts, and Master of Arts.Other Faculty:
- DuWain Fagerstrom
- Vilera Gedstad
- Alma A. Opdahl
Majors and Minors Offered:
Only a major in Business Education was offeredSampling of courses Taught:
- Accounting
- Filing
- Advance Typewriting
- Office Practice
Classes were most likely held in Main Building, Known to be Old Main
Music Past
Department Description:
The following music subjects may be taken up as electives by students who show sufficient musical ability to pursue them with profit. (Taken from the 1938 Concordia College Course Catalog)
Department Head:
Oscar Hertsgaard was the first head of the Music Department. He received his Bachelor of Science degree.Other Faculty:
- Norma L. Olson
- Ragna Langlie
- Lillian Wright
- Margaret Lawson
- Leonard Hagen
Courses of Study Offered:
- Music was not specified as a Major or Minor
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- Musical Theory
- Harmony
- History of Music
- Musical Analysis
- Advanced Harmony
- Simple Counterpoint
Classes were held in the Main Building, which is now known as Old Main.
Education Past
Department Description:
The primary purpose of this department is to provide professional training for those preparing to become teachers and school administrators. Many of the courses are, therefore, essentially technical and vocational but a number are adapted to meet the cultural needs of students who enter other walks of life. It also aims to develop in the student an insight into other walks of life. It also aims to develop in the student an insight into facts and principles of psychology which may aid him in controlling his own mental life and in understanding the reactions and points of view of others. (Taken from the 1938 Concordia College Course Catalog)
Department Head:
I. Dorrum was the Department Head of the Education Department in 1918. He received his Master of Arts.Other Faculty:
- No other faculty
Majors and Minors Offered:
- Major in Education
- Minor in Education
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- History of Education
- Principles of Teaching
- Secondary Education
- Classroom Management
- School Organization
- Practice Teaching
Classes were held in the Main Building, which is now known as Old Main.
Global Studies Present (2015-2016)
Department Description:
The global studies program equips students with the expertise needed to thrive in an interconnected world and enables students to pursue their passionate interests in issues facing our global community and societies across the world. The program is designed for students who are interested in combining the insights found in diverse disciplines as they seek to understand global issues and explore solutions to global problems. The program is also for students who wish to acquire expertise in a specific region of the world while developing a global perspective on that region. (Taken from the 2015-2016 Concordia College Course Catalog)
Department Head:
Dr. Kenneth Foster is the current head of the Global Studies Department. He has received his Bachelor of Science, Master of Arts, and Ph.D.Other Faculty:
- Milda O. Halvorson
- Linda L. Johnson
- Matthew L. Lindholm
- Zacharie Petnkeu
- Jan H. Pranger
- Fanny Roncal-Ramirez
- Vincent Reusch
- Odile Streed
- Sonja P. Wentling
- Leila Zakhirova
Courses of Study Offered:
- Global Studies is offered as a Major
- Thematic Concentrations Include:
- Development Studies
- Global Environmental Studies
- Global Systems and Processes
- Worlds in Dialogue
- Regional Concentrations Include:
- Asian Studies
- European Studies
- Latin American Studies
- Scandinavian Studies
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- Systems, Policies and Institutions: An Introduction to Global Studies
- Culture, Identity and Dialogue: An Introduction to Global Studies
- Asia in a Global Age: An Introduction
Classes are currently held in the Old Main Building.
Women's Studies Present (2015-2016)
Department Description:
Women's studies is an interdisciplinary minor which places the lives and experiences of women at the center of inquiry by analyzing the roles and perspectives of women as well as their contributions to the scholarly, artistic, political, social and religious worlds. Courses offered by many different departments draw on recent theories and research that offer critiques of current disciplinary claims and provide opportunities to observe the extent to which knowledge is a human construct that is shaped by the persons who create it. The women's studies program is dedicated to building a more complex and inclusive portrait of humanity by using gender as a legitimate category of analysis, along with other differences, such as race, ethnicity and class.
Department Head:
- Karla Knutson and Darcie R. Sell are currently both the co-chairs of this department. Dr. Knutson and Dr. Sell have both earned their Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts and Ph.D.
Other Faculty:- Mallary Allen
- Corwin S. Aragon
- Aileen L.S. Busling
- Richard M. Chapman
- Linda L. Johnson
- Hilda P. Koster
- Susan J. Larson
- Susan J. Lee
- Michelle M. Lelwica
- Philip C. Lemaster
- Joy K. Lintelman
- Jessica A. Rahman
- Gay G. Rawson
- Marky K. Rice
- Lisa M. Sethre-Hofstad
- Elna K. Solvang
- Sally S. Story
- Erika C. Strandjord
Majors or Minors Offered:
- A minor is offered in this department.
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- Special Topics
- Cooperative Education
- Directed Reasearch
Building: Old Main
Education Present (2015-2016)
Department Description:
The mission of the department of education is to prepare caring, competent, and qualified teachers who act in the best interests of the students they serve. In working to become a professional educator, students will develop knowledge and skills in the areas of child/adolescent learning and development, pedagogical content knowledge, classroom management, and classroom ecology all within the context of a high quality liberal arts education. The teacher education program is guided by firm commitment to the idea of service to others, and provides many opportunities for students to serve children and adolescents while simultaneously developing and fine-tuning teaching skills during clinical field experiences which occur during each phase of the program. (Taken from the 2015-2016 Concordia College Course Catalog)
Department Head:
Dr. Darrell Stolle is the current department chair of the Education Department. He has received his Bachelor of Arts, Master of Education, and Doctorate of Education degrees.Other Faculty:
- Susan P. Ellingson
- Cassandra L. Glynn
- Debra M. Grosz
- Patricia K. Gulsvig
- Marilyn J. Guy
- Teri J. Langlie
- Karla J. Smart-Morstad
- Sara B. Triggs
- Barbara J. Witteman
- Michael D. Wohlfeil
Majors and Minors Offered:
- Major in Education (with a subject concentration)
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- American Education in a Diverse World
- Teaching in the Middle School
- Communication Arts in the K-6 Classroom
- Methods of Teaching in Art: Elementary and Secondary
Classes are held in the Old Main Building.
Global Studies Past
Department Description:
Concordia’s global studies major is unique in in that it engages students in dialogue across the traditionally disparate areas of global and regional (or area) studies. Students majoring in global studies apply multiple disciplinary and regional perspectives to study global issues in one of three tracks: global systems and issues, cultural and regional studies or worlds in dialogue.
While many students will choose to focus on either global or regional matters by choosing either the global systems and issues track or the cultural and regional studies track, all students will receive a taste of both the global and the regional through the required introductory global studies courses. (Taken from the 2003-2004 Concordia College Course Catalog)Department Head:
Dr. Rebecca Moore was the Global Studies Department Head when it first started. She received her Ph.D.Other Faculty:
- Per Anderson
- Nick Ellig
- Linda Johnson
- Max Richardson
- Scot Stradley
Courses of Study Offered:
- Global Studies was offered as a Major
- Emphases Include:
- Global Systems and Issues Track
- Cultural and Regional Studies Track
- Worlds in Dialogue Track
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- Global Studies I
- Global Studies II
- Global Studies Capstone
Classes were held in the Old Main Building.
Classical Studies Past
Department Description:
Courses in the ancient languages are intended to develop the student's power to read and understand these languages; to contribute to his command of the Greek and Latin elements in English; to acquaint the student with some of the literary works of the ancient past and with their interpretation; to develop an insight into ancient civilization and appreciation of the influence of that civilization on our own; and to provide some technical training for students preparing to teach Latin or to study theology. (Description taken from 1938 catalog)
Department Head:
- Emma Norbryhn taught all courses in the Classical Studies Program. Emma also earned a Master of Arts Degree.
Other Faculty:
- No other faculty
Majors or Minors Offered:
- No majors or minors specified
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- Greek 1 and 2
- Latin Drama
- Bennett's first year Latin
- Roman Oratory
Classes were most likely held in Main Building, which is now known as Old Main.
Philosophy Past
Department Description:
The aim of the Department of Philosophy is to stimulate the student to an appreciation of the cultural value of thinking; to present a history of the process and progress of philosophic thought; to broaden the student's interest and critical appreciation of the life and work of philosophers; and to encourage an adequate integration of the values of all fields of learning thereby assisting him to construct a Christian philosophy of his own. (Taken from the 1938 catalog)
Department Head:
- No department head specified
Other Faculty: (Possible Professors)
- C.E. Bale
- Mollie Feldhammer
- H.C. Nordlie
Majors or Minors Offered:
- Philosophy was offered as a general philosophy major.
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- English Philosophers
- The Theory of Action
- History of Philosophy
Classes were most likely held in the Main Building, which is known as Old Main.
French Past
Department Description:
The work offered in German and French aims to develop a reading knowledge of these languages, to afford the student the ability to pursue graduate and research work, to prepare him for high school teaching positions, and by means of survey courses, to introduce the student to fields of culture, thought, and ideals of peoples into who manners of living and thinking he could otherwise not penetrate. (Taken from the 1938 Concordia College Course Catalog)
Department Head:
Emma Norbryhn was the first Department Head of the French Department. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree.Other Faculty:
- None at the time
Courses of Study Offered:
- French was offered as a Major or Minor
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- Elementary French
- Prose Reading
- French Classics
- History of French Literature
Classes were held in the Main Building, which is now known as Old Main.
Religion Past
Department Description:
Since a true education consists not only in a knowledge of the secular branches of study, but also in a clear and sympathetic understanding of the doctrines, history and influence of the Christian religion, the following courses are presented. The department endeavors to maintain the same high scholastic standards obtaining throughout the institution. The same amount of time will be required for each subject as in the other departments, and same credit will be given for such work.
Department Head:
- Rev. J.A. Aasgaard (Pictured in the image on the 1911 page) taught all courses in the religion program. He also earned the degrees, Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Divinity.
Other Faculty:
- No other faculty
Majors or Minors Offered:
- Religion was offered as a general religion major.
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- Old/New Testament
- Church History
- Exegesis
Classes were most likely held in the Main Building, which is known as Old Main.