Biology Past
Department Description:
The objectives of the department are as follows: (1) to acquaint the student with the common biological factors of his environment for the purpose of increasing his range of interest, and fostering an appreciation of his relation to nature; (2) to require such intensive training in the department as will give the student a reasonable understanding and mastery of the content and technique in this field of knowledge; (3) to offer the student a basic training for those professional and technical studies which may most advantageously be pursued upon a foundation of the department offerings; and (4) to foster the general development of the student’s spiritual life. (*Taken from the 1938 catalog)
Department Head:
- Eveline Anderson (Pictured in the image on the 1911 page) was tasked with teaching most Biology courses. Eveline has a Bachelors of Arts degree.
Other Faculty:
- Ingeborg Gronvold, who had an unspecified degree, also taught in the biology department.
Majors or Minors Offered:
- Biology was offered as a general biology major.
Sampling of Courses Offered:
- Botany
- Physiology and Hygiene
- Zoology