Concordia College Department Histories

Chemistry Past

Department Description:

The work in Chemistry aims to acquaint the student with the nature of matter and its changes; to bring about a student appreciation of scientific knowledge; to give him an understanding of the scientific method by collection and study of facts, formulation of hypotheses, prediction of new data, and testing of facts; to give training in habits of accuracy, neatness, and skills of manipulation; and to foster the general development of the student's spiritual life." (Quoted from 1938 Concordia College course catalog)


Department Head:

A.O. Utne transferred to Concordia College from another institution. He had a Masters of Arts and was the only professor to teach Chemistry for many years. He can be seen in the photograph on the 1911 page.

There were no other faculty specified to teach Chemistry

​Majors and Minors Offered:

Sampling of Courses taught:

Courses were taught in Main Building, which is now known as Old Main.

Fun Fact:

Glass Blowing was taught as a chemistry class. It was a laboratory course affording the student practice in making and repairing simple glassware.

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