Physics Past
Department Description:
The object of the department of physics is to acquaint the student with physical phenomena and natural laws as a part of a liberal arts education and as an aid in other fields of science; to develop in him clear thinking and logical reasoning; and to prepare students for graduate and professional study. (Quoted from the 1938 Concordia College course catalog)
Department Head:
T.C. Wollan was a professor at Concordia from at least 1911. He had his Bachelor of Science degree.No other faculty were specified to teach physics. However, Martha Brennun was a teacher of mathematics which was closely tied to physics.
Majors and Minors Offered:
A general physics degree was offered. Majors required 18 units in one department and minors required 12 units of junior and senior work.Sampling of Courses Taught:
- Elementary Physics
- Electricity and Magnetism
- General Physics
- Mechanics