Cleveland's Nonprofit All-Stars

Chapter 5.4-Mission4Maureen

“Mission4Maureen provides financial assistance to families who are burdened by the staggering cost of brain cancer treatment.”-mission statement

Mission4Maureen was founded in 2006 by the family of Maureen Lowis, a young wife and mother, was diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme, a form of brain cancer, in 2004. The following months were an emotional roller coaster for Maureen and her family, as they sought information about treatment options at various hospitals that offered some slight hope. Her family and friends did whatever they could to take on the rapidly escalating costs of treatment. After battling cancer for year and a half, Maureen lost her fight in 2005, at age 34.

Through her journey, Maureen was grateful for the support of those close to her, commenting that “no one can do everything, but everyone can do something.” Mission4Maureen was created with the sole purpose of providing support and assistance to families like Maureen’s. This foundation has embraced Maureen’s belief that “everyone can do something.”

Many patients battling brain cancer cannot meet basic living expenses due to the cost of treatments. Mission4Maureen provides patients and their families with assistance in many forms:

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