Cleveland's Nonprofit All-Stars

Chapter 5.3-Recovery Resources Center

What makes Recovery Resources an all-star non-profit in Cleveland?

According to Recovery Resources, its mission statement is:

"We help people triumph over mental illness, alcoholism, drug and other addictions."

This organization was started in 2000 as a merger of two smaller agencies, giving the organization a unique distinction when treating its patients: it could treat patients with multiple mental illness and addiction problems, as these issues are often diagnosed or encountered hand-in-hand. Recovery Resources has expanded and now treats not only mental illness and addiction, but also treats problem gambling, provides prevention services, provides housing, assists in job search and resumé building, provides intervention and preventative resources for HIV, and treats individuals in the criminal justice system. 
Their specific services include:

Recovery Resources is a truly wonderful nonprofit resource to have in the community and definitely makes the community a better place!

Contact info:
3950 Chester Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44114 | 216.431.4131 |

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