Cleveland's Nonprofit All-Stars

Chapter 5-Conclusion

As an evaluator for Charity Watch, I can tell you how much these small healthcare nonprofits matter. As opposed to for profits, these nonprofits tend to offer services at a much lower cost: on average 5 to 10% cheaper! Since these nonprofits are extremely accessible to the lower-income communities in and around Cleveland, their combined effect on the entire community greatly improves societal well-being. Their locations provide a great deal of accessibility: most being within a few minutes of public transportation, as the map below illustrates.
Each of these nonprofits has its own small role; although they might not be large institutions with diversified practices, their intense focus on specific specialties provides a wholesome healthcare coverage for the entire community. Research by our organization shows that there is a significant difference in for-profit vs. non-profits in post-discharge mortality discharge rate for those who use these charities regularly: there would be an increase of a thousand to ten thousand deaths a year if these nonprofits became for-profit hospitals. These statistics do not take into account the intangibles that come with these nonprofits, which is where our work really kicks in. Nonprofits, especially the ones that rate high in our rankings, tend to be more trustworthy than for-profits, as the lack of claims from exploitation of vulnerable clients confirms. Taking all these factors together, these small nonprofits play a huge role in the Cleveland Community, and the entire world.



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