Cleveland's Nonprofit All-Stars

Chapter One: Cleveland's Art and Education Nonprofits All-Stars

The map displays the location of various arts and education nonprofits throughout Cleveland. The organizations marked in red are the three all-stars described in this chapter.

Organizations of varying sizes have significant impacts on the Cleveland, each in their own special way. Small organizations such as the Kids' Book Bank have the ability to touch individual lives and have a lasting impact on them. The Kids' Book Bank in particular provides books and services to low income families in a meaningful way that helps create a brighter future for them. Larger organizations such as the Cleveland Museum of Contemporary Art bring people together, helping strengthen the community. MOCA fosters an environment of cultural diversity using art and a dynamic space. Iconic and vast organizations such as the Cleveland Orchestra put Cleveland on the map. The Cleveland Orchestra draws people from around the world while still remaining dedicated to the community that it calls home.


These organizations were selected out of excellence, but the nonprofit sector as a whole is truly showing why arts, music and education are so pivotal. They bring together people of different cultures, financial backgrounds, and geographical locations; creating a universal language for the benefit of all. Each city is known for something. These nonprofits create an integrated environment where people can come together and make a difference in the Cleveland community.


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