Cleveland's Nonprofit All-Stars

Chapter One: CLE Orchestra Dedication to Outreach

The dedication to exposing youth to music is a contributing factor to the Cleveland Orchestra’s all-star status. Music is very beneficial to children. It improves language development by enhancing the brain’s ability to decode sounds(pbs). Music also improves social skills. The relationship between emotion and sound in music translates to personal interactions, allowing for a child to be more sensitive to people's emotional cues. The rhythm and pattern in music contributes to motor skill development as well(Parenthood). Overall, exposure to music greatly benefits youth. Therefore, it is important for young children to have music in his or her life. The Cleveland Orchestra has made it a goal to focus on youth, making the organization stand out as an all-star.

Another factor in the orchestra’s all-star status is the connection it creates in the Cleveland community. Each performance brings people of all backgrounds together, and unites them as they enjoy the show. There are also opportunities for community members to try out for a position on one of the choruses. Membership in these choruses allow music lovers to meet peers with common interests, and give them an opportunity to be a part of the city’s culture. Activities, such as these, create community connection, which contributes to the culture of the city. The orchestra has a positive influence on how the outside world sees Cleveland because it is so well-known and well-received which, in turn, increases the attractiveness of Cleveland, bringing in more tourism. In a fashion similar to that of MOCA, the increase in tourism positively impacts the economy. Tourists spend money on hotels, dining, and retail during their trip. The generated revenue is then spent, creating a multiplier effect. These economic benefits are yet another reason the orchestra is an all-star.

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