Cleveland's Nonprofit All-Stars

Chapter One: KBB Distribution

The Little Free Library system is one method of distribution. Prior to the formal creation of the Kids' Book Bank, the Little Free Libraries were the first steps towards solving the book issue in Cleveland. Little Free Libraries are neighborhood kiosks that are filled with books. The idea behind them is “Take a book, Leave a book.” The Little Free Libraries in Cleveland have been successful when it comes to people taking books, but not so much with leaving books. The Book Bank is able to refill these libraries, ensuring there are books available for all who would like to take one.


Volunteers are essential for the continued success of the Book Bank. Tasks for volunteers include sorting and boxing books, collecting and delivering books, and helping with fundraising. Although sorting through books may sound trivial, the organization makes it fun and inviting by hosting sorting nights, occasionally accompanied by pizza. Everyone is welcome, regardless of experience or commitment level. One volunteer, Sara, has developed a strong bond to the organization during her time volunteering. As a professor at Cuyahoga Community College, she feels very passionately about education and the cause, “I see students coming in who are much older and their reading skills aren’t what they should be… so, if we can start solving the problem earlier, we won’t have as many people reaching adulthood still with deficient skills in the reading area.” An interview allowed her to further expand on her experience working with the Kids’ Book Bank.



After sorting the books, someone must deliver them. Working in this stage of the process is very rewarding because volunteers are able to meet the children receiving the books. One volunteer who delivers books says, “I have given kids their first book that they have been able to keep, and that is one of the greatest feelings.” She explains her role and impact as a deliverer in further detail during an interview.


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