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Civic Media Project

adminx, Author

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Another Promise’s Digital Civic Network and SamsungThe Tilburg Public Library KnowledgecloudSingapore Memory Project: Producing Public Memory through Social MediaWebNabludatel: a Russian Electoral Observation AppAlternative 13 News: A New way to Involve Young Citizens in NGDO Cooperation Work Through Social Media and GamingThe Se Non Ora Quando Social Movement in ItalyBlogging for Truth: Ai Weiwei’s Citizen Investigation Project on China’s 2008 Sichuan EarthquakeThe 2013 Gezi Park Protest and #resistgeziCuban Blogosphere: an Scenario for Political Debate and Dissent#aufschrei – The Role of Twitter for Feminist Activism and as a Platform for Alternative PublicsMobilizing from above: Government use of ICTs for state and nation building in EthiopiaCitizenship and Digital Mobilization in BrazilSocial Auditing & Transparency: Gas Cylinder Distribution in IndiaProcurement Disclosure in the Slovak RepublicMeu RioWebsite to Weibo: Activating the Local Communication Network and Civic Engagement in a Diverse CitySocial Media Use and Political Activism in Turkey: 140journos, the Post of Others, and Vote and BeyondThe PolyXpress Mobile Ethnographic Storytelling SystemTwitter Use and Negative Campaigning: A Case Study from the World’s Largest ElectionPivot: Surreptitious Communications Design for Victims of Human TraffickingMobilizing Collective Urban Actions through MicroActsMídiaNINJA and the Rise of Citizen Journalism in BrazilImplication of social media on electoral participation in IndiaCommunity Radio as Civic Media: The case of Radio al-Balad 92.4FM in Amman, JordanUkranian Crowdmapping of the '12 ElectionsGalas: Mobilizing and Managing Volunteer Humanitarian Efforts Online During Euromaidan Protests in UkraineIran, the U.S., and Online Diplomacy  View all tags
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