Agency through Otherness: Portraits of Performers in Circus Route Books, 1875-1925

The American Experiment

The establishment of our new Government seemed to be the last great experiment for promoting human happiness. -George Washington, 1790

The circus represents a microcosm of American culture with its depictions of imaginary reality. It became integral in shaping America’s culture during the fifty or so years bookending the turn of the 20th century. The circus reigned supreme in minds as one of the first forms of mass entertainment.

Concurrently, the United States was a very young governing country. America formed a new experimental democratic government of the people, by the people, and for the people, with liberty and justice for all. Are the democratic principle of equal rights and government by a majority, capable of being carried into practical operation to the whole country and all people? Was it working and how was it working for circus performers?

In the timeline, view the exhibit’s highlighted performers in the context of events during the period to understand the confines and liminal spaces in which they lived.

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