Agency through Otherness: Portraits of Performers in Circus Route Books, 1875-1925

R— Panorama of Barnum's Roman Hippodrome and Grand Procession of Congress of Nations


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Version 2

titledcterms:titleR— Panorama of Barnum's Roman Hippodrome and Grand Procession of Congress of Nations
descriptiondcterms:descriptionPanorama from a booklet that shows the grand procession of the Congress of Nations and Zoological Institute.
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sourcedcterms:sourceBridgeport History Center, Bridgeport Public Library
sourcedcterms:sourceP.T. Barnum Research Collection
typedcterms:typeStill image
subjectdcterms:subjectCircus spectacles
abstractdcterms:abstractBooklet entitled Panorama of Barnum's Roman Hippodrome and Grand Procession of Congress of Nations. Published in 1874, it features the adventures a man named Mr. Podger as he visits P.T. Barnum's Roman Hippodrome in New York City. Each page features an elaborate illustration paired with a caption. It begins with Podger fulfilling his promise that if he was ever in New York, he would visit Barnum's. He is immediately then grabbed by two monkeys, manages to trip over Admiral Dot (Leopold Khan), goes out to see the sea lions only to be splashed, goes out to have a drink from his flask only to be joined by a monkey who then steals his hat and umbrella, tries to ask a wax figure for directions, has something go up his leg, gets scared by a lion, sees animals and cages and wonders what it would be like if roles were reversed, is picked up by an elephant, and attacked by a turtle, all before he meets P.T. Barnum. The book ends with Podger walking off into the rain with his broken umbrella, and includes a post-script featuring Mr. Podger dreaming of all the animals he saw earlier in the day. Also included is a large pull out of the congress of nations itself, with various chariots associated with countries being pulled by appropriate animals to represent those same countries: such as Lapland's carriage being pulled by reindeer. This kind of booklet was likely a souvenir.
rightsdcterms:rightsThis work is in the public domain.

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