Agency through Otherness: Portraits of Performers in Circus Route Books, 1875-1925

Ida Williams

A young woman in her twenties, Ida Williams was a very popular "fat" woman in the circus. Over the years she was employed, from 1884-1895, she traveled with three different circuses: Sells Bros. Circus, Ringling Bros. Circus, and the Great Wallace Shows. They used many different names to introduce her in their programs, ranging from “Monster Girl” to “Fat Lady” to “Mastadonic Fashion Plate”. According to a short biography, she was a very prominent singer, thanks to the musical talents she got from her father. She was able to make a living for herself with her music before joining the circus, and used her time within it as a final celebration of her talents before retiring. 7

Though the circus used such boisterous names to title her, Ida was described as an unusually beautiful and attractive woman with a happy disposition. She was also well known for her elaborate costumes and jewelry. Little is known about her personal life during her time in the circus and after, but according to the Great Wallace Shows route book in 1895, she had a husband and a daughter who came to visit her at the circus. 

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