Agency through Otherness: Portraits of Performers in Circus Route Books, 1875-1925

Dolores Vallecita

Dolores Vallecita was another prolific cat trainer who started around the same time as Mabel Stark. Her specialty was with leopards rather that tigers. Dolores was born in Spain and trained in Europe, making a name for herself there before traveling to the United States to perform. Even though she arrived with acclaim already, she still struggled to find venues to perform in, proprietors believing her act to be “too sensational” for women and children to witness.23 This caused her to join the Sells-Floto Circus. She only performed with them for two years but made a lasting impression nonetheless. 

Not only did Dolores advocate for herself within the ring, she was a champion of good for her animals as well. She was a big member of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and only used positive reinforcement when training, similar to Mabel. She spent all of her efforts to take care of her cats, and one of her leopards took her life in 1925, news reports stating that it was a tragic accident and that the leopard lovingly embraced her.

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