C2C Digital Magazine (Spring/Summer 2023)

A starter conversation about “educational technologies” with Bard AI and ChatGPT


By Shalin Hai-Jew, Kansas State University


The original intention was to conduct a Q&A with both Bard AI and ChatGPT, but the response to the first question was so long that the author chose to just run the first question and then offer the additional other questions for people to try, if they’re interested.  How would your answers differ from those of these two generative AIs?  What do you think of the tone? The substance?   How do the responses compare? 


Q:  How would you define “educational technologies”?  And how important are these to contemporary formal (accredited) learning?  


Bard AI






Educational technology (edtech) is the use of technology to support learning. It can include a wide range of tools and applications, such as:

  • Learning management systems (LMSs), which are used to deliver online courses and track student progress

  • Virtual learning environments (VLEs), which provide a space for students to collaborate and interact with each other and their instructors

  • E-books and other digital resources, which can be used to supplement traditional textbooks

  • Software programs, such as simulations and games, which can be used to help students learn in a more engaging and interactive way

  • Web-based tools, such as social media and video conferencing, which can be used to connect students with each other and with experts in their field

Edtech is becoming increasingly important in contemporary formal (accredited) learning. It can help to improve student engagement, motivation, and achievement. It can also help to make learning more flexible and accessible, which is important for students who are juggling work, family, and other commitments.

Here are some of the benefits of using edtech in formal learning:

  • Improved student engagement: Edtech can help to make learning more engaging and interactive, which can lead to improved student motivation and achievement. For example, games and simulations can help students to learn new concepts in a fun and engaging way.

  • Increased flexibility and access: Edtech can help to make learning more flexible and accessible, which is important for students who are juggling work, family, and other commitments. For example, online courses can be accessed from anywhere, at any time.

  • Personalized learning: Edtech can help to personalize learning by providing students with customized instruction and feedback. For example, adaptive learning software can adjust the difficulty of a lesson based on a student's individual progress.

  • Collaboration and collaboration: Edtech can help students to collaborate with each other and with their instructors, which can lead to improved learning outcomes. For example, social media can be used to create online learning communities where students can share ideas and ask question

Of course, there are also some challenges associated with using edtech in formal learning. These include:

  • Cost: Edtech can be expensive, both for schools and for students.

  • Access: Not all students have equal access to technology, which can create a digital divide.

  • Quality: Not all edtech is created equal. It is important to choose edtech that is high-quality and that is aligned with the learning goals of the course.

  • Training: Teachers need to be trained on how to use edtech effectively.

Despite these challenges, edtech is a valuable tool that can be used to improve formal learning. As technology continues to evolve, edtech is likely to become even more important in the future.





Educational technologies, often abbreviated as EdTech, refer to the application of technology tools, platforms, and resources in educational settings to enhance teaching and learning experiences. It encompasses a wide range of digital tools, software, hardware, and online platforms designed specifically for educational purposes. Examples of educational technologies include interactive learning software, online courses and learning management systems, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) applications, educational apps, online collaborative tools, and adaptive learning platforms.


In contemporary formal (accredited) learning, educational technologies play a crucial role. Here are a few reasons why they are important:


    Accessible and inclusive learning: Educational technologies can break down barriers to education by providing access to quality learning resources and experiences for learners who may not have traditional opportunities. They enable distance learning, allowing students to access education remotely, overcoming geographical limitations.


    Personalized learning experiences: EdTech allows for adaptive learning, where content and learning activities can be tailored to individual students' needs, preferences, and pace of learning. This personalization helps students engage more effectively with the material and can lead to improved learning outcomes.


    Enhanced engagement and interactivity: Educational technologies offer interactive and immersive learning experiences that engage students and make learning more enjoyable. Gamification elements, simulations, virtual laboratories, and multimedia resources can make complex concepts more accessible and increase student motivation.


     Collaboration and communication: EdTech tools facilitate communication and collaboration among students and educators. Online discussion boards, video conferencing, and collaborative document editing platforms enable remote collaboration, fostering a sense of community and enhancing learning through shared knowledge and perspectives.


    Data-driven insights: Educational technologies often collect data on student performance, engagement, and learning patterns. Analyzing this data can provide valuable insights to educators, allowing them to identify areas where students are struggling and tailor instruction accordingly.


    Lifelong learning and professional development: EdTech is not limited to formal education settings but also extends to adult learning and professional development. Online courses, webinars, and virtual workshops enable individuals to acquire new skills and knowledge throughout their lives, keeping pace with the rapidly changing job market.


While educational technologies offer numerous benefits, it is important to ensure their effective implementation, address potential equity issues, and strike a balance with face-to-face interactions. Teachers and educators play a vital role in leveraging these technologies to create meaningful and impactful learning experiences for students.














Q:  How has the use of educational technology changed post COVID-19?  Why?  


Q:  What are some of the most important capabilities of educational technologies for learners in K-12? 


Q:  What are some of the most important capabilities of educational technologies for learners in higher education? 


Q:  What do you see as some relevant educational technologies that will become available commercially in the near-future (say, the next few years)?  Why? 


Q:  What do you see as some relevant educational technologies that will become available commercially in the next decade?  Why? 


Q:  Do you see learners around the world having access to the same educational technologies?   Or do you think there might be disparities in terms of access?  


Q:  What are some practical ways to close the “digital divide” in terms of access to educational technologies? 


Q:  What do you see as the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in teaching?  What about the role of generative AI in teaching?  


Q:  What do you see as the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in learning?  What about the role of generative AI in learning?  


Q:  Some suggest that generative AI may work as learning tutors and assistants.  Do you think generative AI would be effective as teachers?  If so, how?  


Q:  How can generative AI better support visual learners?  


Q:  What are some educational technologies that help people engage in “anytime anywhere” or “ubiquitous” learning? 


Q:  What are the roles of social media in teaching and learning?  Please explain.  


Q:  If you had a limited budget and had to choose educational technology hardware and software for learning, what would you choose?  And how much would you spend?  Why? 


Q:  Accessibility is important for all forms of learning.  What sorts of accessibility features would you look for in educational technologies?  




Bard AI












About the Author


Shalin Hai-Jew works as an instructional designer at Kansas State University.  Her email is shalin@ksu.edu.  

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