Applying Buddhist Teachings to Live a Happier Life, Both Online and Offline

The Middle Way

The concept of the Middle Way permeates the rest of the teachings included in this Scalar book, and it can be applied to anything in life. At its core the Middle Way is simply balance and moderation in our physical and emotional lives.

Reading the word moderation, you might think I'm referring to your dietary habits. This is true, but the Middle Way should be applied to all aspects of your life. 

For example; video games can be fun, but playing too much starts to effect other aspects of your life. Find a good balance so that you can still enjoy this activity, while not sacrificing on other parts of your life.

Technology is an especially important area of our lives to remember balance. Today there are countless ways to spend too much time and effort on the digital world. Getting lost in social media, scrolling endlessly on your phone, is not balance. Applying the Middle Way shows you that like anything else, all this technology is fine, even good for you, in the right amounts. The key is to maintain balance. Don't spend too much time or emotion on any one thing.

Another very practical part of life to keep balanced is your work/not work time. This is not always the easiest to do, many people work long hours to support their families. What the Middle Way asks is that you take a look at the way you're spending your time, are you happy? Are there things you can change to achieve more balance?

Next we will learn about the 8 steps of the Eightfold Path, remember to keep the Middle Way in mind for every step. Balance applies to everything in your life, the more you strive for balance, the happier and more peaceful your life will be.

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