Applying Buddhist Teachings to Live a Happier Life, Both Online and Offline

(4) Right Conduct

Right Conduct has to do specifically with our actions. Following this principle means that your actions reflect your values of right and wrong. You avoid doing those things that might cause harm to yourself or others, and you do the things that will have a positive impact.

To go a step further with Right Conduct would be to complete compassionate and kind actions. If you see someone struggling and you are able to help, do so. Even if this is something small like helping someone with a door or a heavy bag. Small, positive actions build up to create a better world.

Every day we have the opportunity to commit positive actions, or negative actions. Remembering this step will help you to commit those positive actions. Help others, be kind, and if you can't do that? Than the least you can do is avoid hurting others. You'll find that by implementing this simple rule into your life you will become a much kinder person, even if you're already very nice, it never hurts to keep working on it. Being a kinder person will make you personally happier, and it will influence the world around you. 
This practice extends to our digital lives. If you feel like doing something online, posting a comment, critiquing someone, or anything else, remember to ask yourself if that action is positive or negative. 

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