Applying Buddhist Teachings to Live a Happier Life, Both Online and Offline

(5) Right Livelihood

Right livelihood, what on earth does that mean? Well, here's the interpretation that means the most to me.

The fifth step of the Eightfold Path describes Right Livelihood. This refers to what you do to make your way in life, call it a job, your employment, or whatever you do to get by.

When considering what you do for your employment, whether that be short term or your career, it's important to remember your principles. For example; if you do not believe in causing unnecessary harm to others, then you should avoid forms of employment where this might occur. If your employment includes things that you are morally against, avoid that employment.

This step may sound like it's for the benefit of the world around you, and don't get me wrong, others will benefit from your principled life, but it also does a lot of good for you. Think about it, would it be easier for you to be happy knowing that what you do for a livelihood concurs with your principles? Rather than knowing that your livelihood relies on something that you don't agree with?

Choose a livelihood that is conducive to compassion, not against it. And remember, work to live, do not live to work.

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