Applying Buddhist Teachings to Live a Happier Life, Both Online and Offline

(2) Right Intent

Right Intent can also be thought of as Right Thought. This step overlaps all the other steps. What Right Intent means is that you resolve to practice all of the other steps. It means that you are committed to living a better life and being a better person. It pertains to your strength of will and the strength of your determination.

When practicing Right Intent, it can be helpful to remind yourself of your values, your priorities, and your beliefs. Reading the news or social media today can be very influencing. We are told what to care about and what we should think about current events. Without a clear idea of what our personal values are, we can easily fall into the subtle (and not so subtle) manipulations present in the world around us.

Resolve to live your life intentionally, and follow the principles that are important to you. If the teachings outlined in this Scalar book speak to you, then remember to live by them too. Do not simply think about these principles, actively apply them to your life and your thoughts. 


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