Anna Bergin, Wittib (The widow Anna Berg, d. 1629)
1media/IMG_0723.jpg2023-02-13T16:17:07-08:00Sue Luftscheinc3da4f338cfb5c3d980919bd84c8fb083c380bd6423929plain2023-03-01T13:41:43-08:00Sue Luftscheinc3da4f338cfb5c3d980919bd84c8fb083c380bd6Anna Berg was the widow of Adam Berg, who is best remembered as a printer of music and Catholic religious texts in Munich between 1567–1597. Anna often collaborated with publisher Raphael Sadeler after Adam's death. The Flemish Sadeler family played a dominant role in engraving, publishing and selling prints in the late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
For information on the book shown here, see the List of books.
1media/IMG_0724_thumb.jpg2023-02-27T14:12:09-08:00Anna Berg1Printers imprint, Gründtliche Anzeig was zwischen Churpfaltz vnnd Bayrn in jetziger betrübten Bö,-118.2834333333320230227111227-0800
1media/IMG_0723_thumb.jpg2023-02-27T14:11:47-08:00Anna Berg1Title page, Gründtliche Anzeig was zwischen Churpfaltz vnnd Bayrn in jetziger betrübten Bö,-118.2834472222220230227111221-0800