#100hardtruthsMain MenuPledges and lists written over the first 100 daysA path through the primer focusing on the several pledges and lists of hardtruths I wrote during the first 100 days of the Trump administration24 #100hardtruths authored by invited contributorsA path through the primer focusing on hardtruths written by scholars, artists, activists, and friendsArt Answers to Phony QuestionsA path through the primer focusing on speaking hardtruths about and through poetic, abstract, formally reflexive, non-indexical Art FormsVirality is VirilityA path through the primer focusing on hardtruths that connect a macho growing of digital stature to real world violenceFake News R UsA path through the primer focusing on hardtruths that reveal our complicitySome #100hardtruths on Digital Media LiteracyA path through the primer focusing on hardtruths about reading, writing, participating and understanding Digital Media LiteracySome #100hardtruths on RacismA path through the primer focusing on hardtruths about ethnicity, nationality, zenophobia, immigration and racismSome #100hardtruths on SexismA path through the primer focusing on hardtruths about gender, sexuality, sexism, and misogynySome #100hardtruths on ImagesA path through the primer focusing on hardtruths about photography, visibiity, and the power of imagesSome #100hardtruths on the LawA path through the primer focusing on hardtruths about legislation, (il)legality, public institutions, and the power of the LawSome #100hardtruths on AdvertisingA path through the primer focusing on hardtruths about corporate greed, getting eyeballs to content, the monetization of the Internet and AdsSome #100hardtruths of the InternetA path through the primer focusing on hardtruths that attempt to reveal the structure, logic, uses and power of the InternetSome #100hardtruths on Freedom of ExpressionA path through the primer focusing on hardtruths about journalism, freedom of speech, and the power of ExpressionSome #100hardtruths on and through Film and VideoA path through the primer focusing on hardtruths about or spoken through film and video35 #100hardtruths highlighting the work of othersA path through the primer focusing on hardtruths produced by journalists, scholars, artists, activists found onlineCreditsAbout the makers of this Scalar book.Old home page that links to WordpressSome #100hardtruths in poetryPoems that were produced as a result of radical digital media literacy workshopsSome hardtruth poem responses and readingsAlexandra Juhaszf60e7beb550e75bc077d6722b27684bbbb62d0deXiomara Liana Rodrigueze692622823dfcb5652df57e66962e293d1913569Craig Dietrich2d66800a3e5a1eaee3a9ca2f91f391c8a6893490
12017-11-06T18:43:56-08:00#7: skeptical interaction with the digital is critical for democracy17February 19, 2017plain2019-07-29T12:07:45-07:00Today’s media consumer cannot trust the internet, its news, or networks—fake or otherwise. Given the wretched state of today’s internet, skeptical, self-aware interaction with digital data is a critical foundation for maintaining democracy. A self-aware attention to the current conditions of the internet must become a most important self-evident truth to move forward. A very serious project of digital media literacy is critical for our democracy, and is a crucial place where scholars and our students, regardless of our fields, can make pivotal contributions. As citizens, we need to understand how the internet works—technologically, financially, legally, socially. We scholars and educators need to teach and learn how to better read digital media, to understand who makes it, owns it, and circulates it. We need to ask how and why it is structured and visualized as it is, and what truths and mis-truths it states. We need to learn how and where to demand real and better news. We need to produce context for the rudderless fragments of information that circulate online, as well as the forums where we can share our findings, activities, and practices. More Reading:
12019-06-26T04:28:53-07:00Confidence, anxiety, alienated4LaGCCgallery2020-02-17T01:03:03-08:00Stomach neck Confidence, anxiety, alienated. Stomach neck Insecure excited Stomach neck Anxiety depressed. Stomach neck Depressed annoyed. Insecure anxiety. Joyous Frustrated. Pressure. Half-alive. Getaway stress. Confused targeted. Occupied. Less judgment. Open-mindedness. More connected More acceptance Less sensitive the world. The world. The government. More free peace. I hope I can speak more. Understand each other better. I just want everyone to be successful. To move beyond the easy place. Better listening. All humans enjoy respect. To make the world better for everyone. Happiness and peace. Free speech. Peace. Snapchat. Instagram and snapchat. Cellphone. Instagram. My laptop. Instagram Facebook Youtube. Youtube. Wii chat Wii chat snapchat. Playstation 4. Laptop. Phone Book Cellphone phone all of those My surrounding Phone. Mouth feelings eyes. Stomach stomach Brain heart forehead Ears eyes brain Heart hands wrist Sternum My throat Brain My head my heart My liver Arm.