From Actors to Networks on the Web.
Clicking on nodes in the network will launch a side panel that provides additional information about specific actors and what other actors they link to. Users should note that the location data for "city" refers to the location hosting a given actor's website(s), not necessarily the location of an actor itself.
Users can access the visualization below or access the full network in a separate window by clicking the "Source" tab below the image or by clicking here.
Some notable observations are evident. The two most prominent nodes are the Basel Action Network (BAN) and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). These two websites receive the most inlinks from other websites found in our analysis. Inlinking behavior is a measure the prominence of a given website within a network. That BAN (an organization with approximately six employees and a budget just over a $1 million) receives more inlinks than the EPA (an organization over 15,000 employees and a budget over $8 billion) is a telling indicator of the role BAN's views play in shaping the understanding of transboundary e-waste issues. Indeed, the websites for the Basel Convention, for the United Nations Environmental Programme, and United Nations University (home of StEP) receive fewer inlinks than BAN or EPA.