Transboundary E-waste

References, further reading, and tools.

References and further reading

Andreossi, Chiara, Massimo Guizzetti, Christina Palamini, Giulia Peretti, and Silvia Recalcti. 2013. “What the Frack Is Going On?”

Borra, E., Laniado, D., Weltevrede, E., Mauri, M., Magni, G., Venturini, T., … Kaltenbrunner, A. (2015). A Platform for Visually Exploring the Development of Wikipedia Articles. Proc. ICWSM.

Borra, E., Weltevrede, E., Ciuccarelli, P., Kaltenbrunner, A., Laniado, D., Magni, G., … Venturini, T. (2015). Societal Controversies in Wikipedia Articles. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 193–196). New York, NY, USA: ACM.

Digital Methods Initiative. (2010, January 15). DmiProtocols < Dmi < Retrieved 10 March 2016, from

Digital Methods Initiative. (2013, June 26). ToolDatabase < Dmi < Retrieved 10 March 2016, from

Digital Methods Initiative. (2015). Lecture: Query Design. Retrieved from

Digital Methods Initiative. (2016, January 6). FirefoxToolBar < Dmi < Retrieved 7 March 2016, from

Callon, Michel, John Law, and Arie Rip. 1986. Mapping the Dynamics of Science and Technology: Sociology of Science in the Real World. Macmillan.

dmfant. 2014. “Controversy Mapping with Tommaso Venturini.” ANTHEM. Accessed April 10.

Latour, Bruno. 2014. “Introduction: How to Deal with Controversies.” Scribd. Accessed March 11.

Marres, Noortje. 2012. “The Redistribution of Methods: On Intervention in Digital Social Research, Broadly Conceived.” The Sociological Review 60 (June): 139–65. doi:10.1111/j.1467-954X.2012.02121.x.

Marres, Noortje, and Gerlitz, C. 2014. “Issue Mapping Online.” Accessed December 15.

Marres, N., & Gerlitz, C. (2012a, November 7). Recipes < Main. Retrieved 10 March 2016, from

Marres, N., & Gerlitz, C. (2012b, November 7). Tactics < Main. Retrieved 10 March 2016, from

Marres, N., & Gerlitz, C. (2015, August 3). About this Wiki: Issue Mapping Online. Retrieved 8 March 2016, from

Rogers, R. 2012. “Mapping and the Politics of Web Space.” Theory, Culture and Society 29 (4–5): 193–219. doi:10.1177/0263276412450926.

Rogers, Richard. 2010. “Internet Research: The Question of Method—A Keynote Address from the YouTube and the 2008 Election Cycle in the United States Conference.” Journal of Information Technology & Politics 7 (2–3): 241–60. doi:10.1080/19331681003753438.

Rogers, Richard, Natalia Sánchez-Querubín, and Aleksandra Kil. 2015. Issue Mapping for an Ageing Europe. Amsterdam University Press.

Sciences Po. (n.d.-a). Controversy Mapping Archive. Retrieved 10 March 2016, from

Sciences Po. (n.d.-b). Teaching Controversy Mapping | Sciences Po | MedialabSciences Po | Medialab. Retrieved from

Venturini, Tommaso. 2010a. “Diving in Magma: How to Explore Controversies with Actor-Network Theory.” Public Understanding of Science 19 (3): 258–73. doi:10.1177/0963662509102694.

———. 2010b. “Building on Faults: How to Represent Controversies with Digital Methods.” Public Understanding of Science, December, 0963662510387558. doi:10.1177/0963662510387558.

Venturini, Tommaso, and Bruno Latour. 2014. “The Social Fabric: Digital Traces and Quali-Quantitative Methods.” Accessed November 8.

Venturini, Tommaso, Axel Meunier, Anders Kristian Munk, Erik K. Borra, Bernhard Rieder, Michele Mauri, Matteo Azzi, et al. 2014. “Climaps by Emaps in 2 Pages (A Summary for Policy Makers and Busy People).” SSRN Scholarly Paper ID 2532946. Rochester, NY: Social Science Research Network.

Venturini, Tommaso, Donato Ricci, Michele Mauri, Lucy Kimbell, and Axel Meunier. n.d. “Designing Controversies and Their Publics.”

Wikipedia contributors. (2016, December 14). Wikipedia:Neutral point of view. In Wikipedia. Retrieved from

Wikipedia contributors. (2017, January 22). Wikipedia:Core content policies. In Wikipedia. Retrieved from

Tools Used
Contropedia: for depicting the editing history of Wikipedia entry for "Electronic waste".

DebateGraph: to visualize connections between quoted actors and debates.

Gephi: to visualize interlinking between webpages.

Google Maps: to visualize locations of Internet Protocol [IP] addresses.

Hyphe: to collect and curate webpage networks.

Scalar: to host and organize the full controversy map write up and visualizations.

ScienceScape: to visualize characteristics of scholarly references e.g., keywords, authors.

Seealsology: to visualize the semantic relationships within and between Wikipedia entries.

Text Ripper: to harvest text from URLs.

Voyant: to visualize corpi of text harvested from the web and from scholarly references.

WikiMindMap: for visualizing and collecting links within and between Wikipedia pages to external sources.