Writing With Substance: You Can Haz it! SRSLY!

Reading and Writing: Assignment 6

In this assignment, you'll work on an important skill: integrating what you read into what you write.

Some folks (including but not limited to the authors of They Say / I Say) refer to this skill as making a "quote sandwich." You can find an instructive set of slides here, for instance, that use that metaphor (though be advised that they focus primarily on how to integrate quotations from literary works). I personally like to avoid the phrase "top bun," so I'll give you a generic formula for integrating quotations that works much the same way.

First, introduce the quotation with a verb that attributes it to a noun, usually a person or a text from which the quoted material derives, or a phrase that highlights attribution such as "according to":  

According to John Davis
John Davis argues 

You can add to these very brief clauses (what I'll call "attributive tags" from here on out) with additional information if you see fit. For instance, you might add more information about where John Davis's argument appears by using a prepositional phrase: "In an essay on student privacy in Education Survey, John Davies argues..." Sometimes this kind of information is useful for readers to have up front; in other cases, however, you risk overloading your sentences, since those that contain quotations can be more challenging to read and process than those that contain one writer's prose.
Second, add in the quotation you want to use, with an eye towards its role in your written work and its grammatical construction in the original context. Is it a complete sentence on its own? Is it a phrase or clause that is incomplete once you remove it from the place it holds in what you've been reading? Your introduction and what you do next will both hinge on the grammar of your quotation. We'll discuss your options and obligations to your sources in more detail in class; for now, I'll simply add that your third step will be to offer commentary on the quotation itself that elucidates for readers what the quoted material means. I don't mean here that you need to "translate" the quotation or repeat it; instead, you need to emphasize the implications of that material for your particular needs in a particular piece of writing. Again, we'll talk much more about what I mean here in person; your efforts before our meeting will ensure we have a useful starting point for our work.  

In this assignment, I want to see what you already know about integrating quotations by asking you to incorporate direct quotations from material we've read into your prose; you must attempt to do so without introducing grammatical or mechanical errors. 
  1. Review the reading you completed for Assignment 1
  2. Review any assigned reading on your syllabus from outside of this book as well the quotations you recorded for Assignment 2.
  3. Now write a short Narrative Bibliography in the spirit of Ta-Nehisi Coates' "Home is Where the Hatred Is" that describes how your understanding of data and privacy has been informed by what we've read. You may paraphrase and summarize what you've read (remember that even those require citations) in places, but you must also use at least four direct quotations (total) from all of the assigned readings. You may also include and discuss any notes you took on the film, Terms and Conditions May Apply, and your notes from class discussions. 
  4. Save your draft to your university Google docs or desktop so that it will be accessible to you in our classroom. Then upload it at the submission link for Assignment 6 on Blackboard. You will be revising this document in class, but you must have a full draft uploaded/completed prior to our meeting to be eligible for full credit.  
  5. At the bottom of your document, add any specific questions you have about punctuation or anything else related to quotations that come up as you attempt to write your narrative Bibliography.

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