WHOA: Walnut Ridge & Hoxie Online ArchiveMain MenuIntroduction & NavigationArchive CrossroadsView Archive By Source ThemeView Archive By Timeline of SourcesView Archive By Source LocationsView Archive By Source TypeView Research on Pre-WWII WR & HoxieEdward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1896-07-03 Men Burned By Lightning at Hoxie Store Porch - Arkadelphia AR pg 1_thumb.png2020-05-29T14:23:20-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61896-07-03 Arkadelphia Southern Standard AR pg 13A group of men sitting under a porch awning in Hoxie are injured when a bolt of lightning strikes nearby.media/1896-07-03 Men Burned By Lightning at Hoxie Store Porch - Arkadelphia AR pg 1.pngplain2020-05-29T15:00:30-07:0007/03/1896Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1904-04-16 Last Words and Hanging of African-American Will Jones - Arkansas Democrat pg 1_thumb.png2020-06-04T15:02:18-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61904-04-16 Arkansas Democrat pg 13A man is sentenced to hang at Walnut Ridge for murdering another man over a craps game, and his statement on the matter is given to the press.media/1904-04-16 Last Words and Hanging of African-American Will Jones - Arkansas Democrat pg 1.pngplain2020-06-04T15:14:45-07:0004/16/1904Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1928-06-23 Correction- Only 1K Acres Flooded in LawCo - St Louis Globe-Democrat pg 14_thumb.png2020-06-17T09:02:56-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61928-06-23 St Louis Globe-Democrat MO pg 142A thousand acres of land are flooded in Lawrence County, along the Black River.media/1928-06-23 Correction- Only 1K Acres Flooded in LawCo - St Louis Globe-Democrat pg 14.pngplain2020-06-17T09:04:42-07:0006/23/1928Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1934-06-08 History of 1853 Improved Road in Powhatan - Baxter Bulletin Mtn Home pg 1_thumb.png2020-06-17T19:09:02-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61934-06-08 Mountain Home Baxter Bulletin pg 12A former resident describes antebellum Powhatan, including former industries there and the fate of a planned road from Powhatan to Crowley's Ridge leading near what became Walnut Ridge.media/1934-06-08 History of 1853 Improved Road in Powhatan - Baxter Bulletin Mtn Home pg 1.pngplain2020-06-17T19:39:57-07:0006/08/1934Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1903-03-19 Prisoners Save Sheriff and Wife on Black River - Indianapolis IN pg 1_thumb.png2020-06-03T19:20:20-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61903-03-19 Indianapolis Journal IN pg 12Two prisoners save the Lawrence County Sheriff and his wife, though are unable to save the couple's baby, when the group's boat overturns on the Black River.media/1903-03-19 Prisoners Save Sheriff and Wife on Black River - Indianapolis IN pg 1.pngplain2020-06-03T19:27:19-07:0003/19/1903Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1901-07-31 Heavy Rainfall in Walnut Ridge - Arkansas Democrat pg 1_thumb.png2020-05-13T18:57:30-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61901-07-31 Arkansas Democrat pg 12A remarkably heavy rain falls on Walnut Ridge over the course of two days.media/1901-07-31 Heavy Rainfall in Walnut Ridge - Arkansas Democrat pg 1.pngplain2020-05-13T18:59:22-07:0007/31/1901Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1912-01-18 Rapid Progress Made on Eastern LawCo Drainage Ditches - AR Democrat pg 4_thumb.png2020-06-11T12:50:06-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61912-01-18 Arkansas Democrat pg 42Work continues rapidly on Eastern Lawrence County drainage projects, from Cache River dredging to the draining of Swan Pond Lake.media/1912-01-18 Rapid Progress Made on Eastern LawCo Drainage Ditches - AR Democrat pg 4.pngplain2020-06-11T12:54:59-07:0001/18/1912Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1894-08-05 Revival Meeting Interrupted by Random Storm - St Louis Globe-Democrat pg 6_thumb.png2020-05-28T10:56:31-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61894-08-05 St Louis Globe-Democrat MO pg 62A church revival meeting is mysteriously and dramatically interrupted by a bolt of lightning and a storm out of nowhere.media/1894-08-05 Revival Meeting Interrupted by Random Storm - St Louis Globe-Democrat pg 6.pngplain2020-05-28T11:00:36-07:0008/05/1894Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1913-03-21 Details of Hoxie Tornado Damages in Front-Page Column - AR Democrat pg 1-min_thumb.png2020-06-12T08:48:48-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61913-03-21 Arkansas Democrat pg 12The Arkansas Democrat gives details of tornado/storm damages at Hoxie, Walnut Ridge, Minturn, and elsewhere.media/1913-03-21 Details of Hoxie Tornado Damages in Front-Page Column - AR Democrat pg 1-min.pngplain2020-06-12T09:02:23-07:0003/21/1913Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1894-12-13 Heavy Rainfall Breaks Long Drought at Hoxie - Calera AL pg 1_thumb.png2020-05-28T11:42:35-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61894-12-13 Calera Shelby Sentinel AL pg 12A heavy rainfall breaks a long drought at Hoxie.media/1894-12-13 Heavy Rainfall Breaks Long Drought at Hoxie - Calera AL pg 1.pngplain2020-05-28T11:44:01-07:0012/13/1894Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1913-03-24 Electric Light and Street Car Service Resume in WR Following Storm - AR Gazette pg 2_thumb.png2020-06-12T10:48:20-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61913-03-24 Arkansas Gazette pg 22Electric light and streetcar services resume in Walnut Ridge following post-storm/tornado cleanup efforts.media/1913-03-24 Electric Light and Street Car Service Resume in WR Following Storm - AR Gazette pg 2.pngplain2020-06-12T13:56:02-07:0003/24/1913Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6