The Viking World: A History in Objects

Arm Ring

A king cannot be king without having the loyalty of his followers. Subjects follow kings because they believe in them, love them, or receive tokens that encourage allegiance to a king. Chieftains and Kings of Scandinavia cemented bonds of allegiance with their warriors by bestowing arm rings as symbols of honor to young adult males in a ceremony of validation.[1] Arm rings could be a way to show one’s wealth depending on the metal used for the arm ring. [2]

This here is a complete arm ring that is cut between the ends and curved into an L-shape with a section of the bracelet straightened out. This arm ring is 95% gold weighing in at 324.6 grams (.7 pounds). It is dated to have been made in 850 AD and buried in approximately 1100 AD. The length of the arm ring is 260 total mm (10 inches) with diameters of 15 mm at its center where the gold is thickest, and 6 mm at the thinnest sections on the ends. The arm ring is made of two round and thick rods with beaded wires threaded in between them. The rods and beaded wires were twisted and tapered at the ends. There are small dents along the entirety of its length and a deep cut at one side of the arm ring. The arm ring was found in 1999 in North Yorkshire, York in the possession of a York builder after his death. His son and daughter brought the arm ring to the Yorkshire Museum to identify it and the ring was declared as treasure and bought by the museum.
In Norse Poetry, Scandinavian Kings were referred to as “givers of rings” or “ring givers”. Being a good ruler was synonymous with being a “ring giver”[3]. The importance of arm rings is further demonstrated as many have been found as grave goods but also as part of hoards. The action of giving and receiving gifts was connected to honor and personal validation or worth. Gifts worked to generate fame and honor towards its recipients and enhanced their esteem in the eyes of the community. Viking warriors would be more willing to fight in battle for Kings if their liege lords would enhance their blood with the bestowing of honor symbols made out of valuable metal.

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