Theater of the Sacred: Resistance in the Zona Sul

Espaço Clariô: IV FELIZS Festival

Epaço Clariô is an important venue for theater groups, writing collectives, art classes, and festivals from the periphery. It is located in the city of Taboão da Serra, which is in the zona sul (south side) periphery of the São Paulo metropolitan region.  It neighbors the district of Campo Limpo. 

The venue is also the home of Grupo Clariô de Teatro (Clariô Theater Group), which is the one of the most important theater companies in the periphery. You can learn more about the group at their, BlogInstagram and Facebook pages. Several members of Teatro Terreiro Encantado are active members in Grupo Clariô de Teatro, including Cleydson Catarina, Uberê Guelé, and Augusto Iúna. The company was founded in 2002 in Taboão da Serra and their theater space, Espaço Clariô, was established in 2005.  The current director of the group, Naruna Costa, is an acclaimed Afro-Brazilian actress who had a lead role in the Netflix series Irmandade (Brotherhood) and had roles in other series and films, including the film Marighella

The images below were from Teatro Terreiro Encantado's first performance of Auto do Negrinho, which took place in Espaço Clariô as part of the IV FELIZS (Feira Literária da Zona Sul) Festival in September 2018.  It is the largest literary and art festival in the periphery that takes place annually since 2015 in Campo Limpo and is organized by the writing collective Sarau do Binho who also use Espaço Clariô as their home base for their monthly saraus (open mic events).  The photos were taken by Fernando Solidade Soares, a photographer and videographer from the periphery.

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