Theater of the Sacred: Resistance in the Zona Sul

SESC Interlagos

The Serviço Social do Comércio (Social Service of Commerce) is best known by the acronym SESC. It is a non-profit private institution founded by business leaders in industries tied to goods, services, and tourism. They have centers all over Brazil that provide services in the areas of education, health, culture, and leisure, and they are one of the largest funders of the arts in Brazil. Many of these centers have art exhibit spaces, classrooms, theaters, and sports facilities. 

Teatro Terreiro Encantado performed Auto do Negrinho in the theater space at the SESC center in the Interlagos district in the south side periphery.  They offered two performances on March 12 and 19, 2023 as part of the performances SESC hosts in the theater space.  The performances were free and open to the public. The SESC centers where they have performed Auto do Negrinho have all been located in communities in São Paulo's periphery.

See the images below from Teatro Terreiro Encantado's Instagram page of their performance at SESC Interlagos on March 12, 2023. 

A post shared by Teatro Terreiro Encantado (@teatroterreiroencantado)

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